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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 19,2013 <br /> Page 13 <br /> free up savings to offset inflationary increases across the board for all operations <br /> and offsetting the need for additional dollars for supplies, maintenance, and pro- <br /> fessional services; with those savings already factored into the 2014 budget. <br /> Councilmember Etten questioned if staff had a slide showing how those dollars <br /> factored into those items (e.g. $400,000 in reserves used plus the $80,000 for Fire <br /> Relief Fund) and asked if staff could provide that more detailed information at the <br /> next meeting to identify where that money was going. <br /> Mayor Roe clarified that the $20,000 saved on the HRIS budget expenditure, was <br /> not a levy cost but had been taken from reserves last year. <br /> Mr. Miller noted that the actual level of existing reserves available for the 2014 <br /> budget remained in flux at this time, with staff providing their best estimates over <br /> the last week at the previous direction of the City Council. <br /> Mr. Miller provided a breakdown of where the $400,000 in reserves was ear- <br /> marked as shown below; but would find it difficult to identify where the opera- <br /> tional money was going, as it was dispersed among 100 plus programs, services <br /> and areas. <br /> Breakdown for Use of Reserve Funds <br /> Employee 2% COLA $165,000 <br /> Employee Step Increases 80,000 <br /> Mandated PERA Increase 30,000 <br /> Employee Healthcare Contribution (3% 50,000 <br /> or'h of total increase) <br /> Increase in Contracted Dispatch Ser- 65,000 <br /> vices <br /> Inflation (adjusted and reduced sales tax 10,000 <br /> exemption) <br /> TOTAL $400,000 <br /> Specific to the merit pay portion, Mr. Miller advised that this factored into and <br /> was in conjunction with phasing the 4.6% compensation study recommendations, <br /> and was netted back into the $104,585 and $40,215 for factoring in the 2.6% in- <br /> crease in January of 2014 and the subsequent 2.0%in July of 2014. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Willmus, Mr. Miller confirmed that a 3% infla- <br /> tion multiplier was used as a standard throughout the recommended 2014 budget <br /> as an initial exercise. Regarding the multiplier used for the 2013 budget, Mr. Mil- <br /> ler advised that he would need to verify the exact multiplier percentage used, <br /> whether it was 3%or not. <br /> Councilmember Willmus requested that staff provide information on the actual <br /> multipliers used for the 2012 and 2013 budgets. <br />