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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, August 19,2013 <br /> Page 17 <br /> ically used as the primary focus of a particular department (e.g. boating patrol <br /> equipment, extra equipment used for SWAT-related events), but not part of a pa- <br /> trol officer's primary duties. <br /> While Councilmember McGehee opined that there appeared to be a bad return in <br /> issuing citations, Mayor Roe observed that a broader return figured into issuing <br /> those citations, including providing public safety. <br /> Reverting to Mayor Roe's request of the body regarding moving forward with the <br /> budget process, Councilmember McGehee questioned if moving forward meant <br /> accepting this initial City Manager Recommended Budget as final. <br /> Mayor Roe clarified that this was the question; or whether Councilmembers need- <br /> ed further feedback from staff. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte advised that she would look for more answers to her <br /> questions going forward; specifically identifying the proposed reorganization of <br /> the Administration Department and changes coming primarily out of the Commu- <br /> nications Fund. Under those auspices, Councilmember Laliberte questioned what <br /> functions would leave other departments and impact their operating budgets. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon clarified that there would be no communication functions immedi- <br /> ately leaving other departments, as they would still need to retain content crea- <br /> tion; with the intent for the new position to streamline those efforts overall. Mr. <br /> Trudgeon cautioned reality with this communication effort, opining that he didn't <br /> want to oversell the intent; but opined that over time there may be some savings <br /> seen,but advised that he could not specify any in 2014. <br /> With concurrence by Mr. Trudgeon, Mayor Roe noted that, if anything, it may <br /> free staff to perform other functions within their department. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte expressed her interest in receiving additional clarifica- <br /> tion in future discussions regarding reorganization of the communication function <br /> and realistic expectations. <br /> Referencing Councilmember McGehee's comment for the intent and purposes of <br /> setting the Preliminary Levy, Councilmember Willmus opined that the City Man- <br /> ager Recommended Budget served as a guide,but that it was up to the City Coun- <br /> cil to continue discussion and fit things together by December of 2013. <br /> After a brief discussion led by Mayor Roe, Council consensus was that no addi- <br /> tional discussion would be required at the August 26th meeting,but to provide suf- <br /> ficient time at the September 9th meeting; with individual Councilmembers en- <br /> couraged to reach out to staff with their questions or additional information needs <br /> between now and then. <br />