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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 19,2013 <br /> Page 18 <br /> Mayor Roe reiterated the function that the September 9, 2013 adoption of the Pre- <br /> liminary Levy could not be exceeded, and until then there were fewer restrictions <br /> beyond the legislative levy limits imposed for 2014. <br /> Councilmember McGehee sought further clarification from staff on the reduction <br /> in the employee Wellness Plan; with Mr. Trudgeon advising that this past year the <br /> Fund had not utilized all of the money allotted to it, prompting staff to reallocate <br /> funds for a better use during these tough budget times. However, Mr. Trudgeon <br /> noted the value provided through the Wellness Plan in reducing health care rates <br /> for the City, and cautioned any consideration for eliminating or further reducing <br /> the program. <br /> Mayor Roe thanked Interim City Manager Trudgeon and staff for their efforts and <br /> presentation. <br /> 13. Business Items (Action Items) <br /> a. Classification & Compensation Study Policy Recommendations and Imple- <br /> mentation <br /> Mayor Roe noted that he took the liberty of drafting a Compensation Policy(At- <br /> tachment A) to provide a starting point for this discussion. <br /> Councilmember McGehee asked if Mayor Roe had drafted the policy with Human <br /> Resources Manager Eldona Bacon or all by himself. While not sure if he had ac- <br /> curately captured the majority thought process, Mayor Roe noted that areas with- <br /> out consensus appeared to be the range of comparable wages, supplemental stud- <br /> ies and a timeline following initial implementation (lines 34 — 38), and implica- <br /> tions for budget cycles,ultimate City Council decisions and parameters. <br /> Councilmember McGehee questioned how to float this policy to received feed- <br /> back from staff. <br /> Mayor Roe clarified that this draft information had been provided to staff for their <br /> review prior to tonight's meeting; and noted that Ms. Bacon was in attendance to- <br /> night, and advised that the City Council would welcome any staff comments to- <br /> night or as part of subsequent discussions. <br /> Interim City Manager Trudgeon opined that the draft provided an overall good <br /> start allowing for more detail to be developed, recognizing that the policy was ul- <br /> timately at the discretion of the City Council. As mentioned before, Mr. Trudg- <br /> eon advised that he and management staff were still advocating for 100% of the <br /> average of top wages measured among peer employers. Mr. Trudgeon advised <br /> that he found the trigger mechanism intriguing, even though needing to allow for <br /> some slack, he liked that aspect. Whether or not percentages were good or not, <br />