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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 19,2013 <br /> Page 25 <br /> Councilmember McGehee noted that while the City's levy had experienced a sig- <br /> nificant increase over the last decade, increasing taxpayer burdens, and recogniz- <br /> ing that median income may be low, she further noted that not every senior citizen <br /> living in Roseville was living on a fixed income, and suggested that every senior <br /> citizen should not be painted as impoverished. Councilmember McGehee further <br /> noted that, over the last five years, a significant percentage of the increased levy <br /> was for debt service, with only 2% of those increases going annually going to- <br /> ward capital or operating costs. <br /> Councilmember Etten stated that, until additional information is provided by staff <br /> from peer cities, he did not want to proceed with this draft policy; and didn't want <br /> to vote using the draft as a base until that other information had been provided <br /> and reviewed. <br /> Councilmember Willmus concurred with Councilmember Etten's statements; <br /> opining that there was no need to vote on this right now, but rather preferred to <br /> use it as a guide for further discussion. <br /> With Mayor Roe clarifying intent of the motion to determine whether or not dis- <br /> cussions continued, Councilmember Willmus opined that there was no need to <br /> vote on that intent, that it was evident. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte stated that she would not be voting in support of this <br /> particular motion; but believed that the discussion should remain on the front <br /> burner with the eventual intent that a protocol or policy be provided. Coun- <br /> cilmember Laliberte suggested using this draft policy and written policies from <br /> other communities to model the City of Roseville's policy. <br /> For future reference, Councilmember Laliberte suggested that it would be prefer- <br /> able for staff to provide such comparable information from peer cities as well as <br /> those not in the peer group, with future RCA's providing a "good", "better," and <br /> "best" option for proposals like this. <br /> Mayor Roe advised that he was supportive of the motion to go forward based on <br /> input from other Councilmembers as to what is most appropriate. With whatever <br /> solution may come forward, Mayor Roe advised that he may still have a differing <br /> point of view of whether or not to COLA along with an implementation increase <br /> in the same year, but offered to hear all opinions. Mayor Roe opined that he rec- <br /> ognized that compensation needed to factor in taxpayer ability to pay applicable <br /> taxes; however, he expressed his interest in better understanding the relationship <br /> between salaries/wages and employees in various communities and median wages <br /> and income. Mayor Roe noted that he was not aware if that information was <br /> available for what Edina employees were paid compared to other communities, <br /> questioning if their employees were actually the highest paid or if there was a link <br /> between public employee salaries and what a community earns or what they want <br />