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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 19,2013 <br /> Page 6 <br /> Councilmember McGehee noted that the City had attempted to work with the <br /> Church on drainage issues in the past, opining that there hadn't been much coop- <br /> eration on the Church's part until this proposal came forward. Councilmember <br /> McGehee stated that she would like to table this request for a thorough review of <br /> the possibility of a physical connection between this and the main structure. Dur- <br /> ing that time, Councilmember McGehee suggested that the City consider develop- <br /> ing a policy on pole barns or temporary buildings; as well as determining if there <br /> was a way to coordinate this drain tile solution with the overall drainage problem <br /> in the area. Without the applicant having submitted a final plan, Councilmember <br /> McGehee further opined that the Temporary structure was clearly not going to be <br /> built yet this fall, and therefore she saw no particular rush to approve the request, <br /> allowing sufficient time for determining another location and to address overall <br /> drainage. <br /> Councilmember Etten opined that his understanding of the drainage mitigation <br /> proposed by City Engineer Bloom as part of this request served to address a por- <br /> tion of the overall drainage issue allowing positive progress toward the overall <br /> stormwater management goal, even though this was a small and site-specific por- <br /> tion of that goal. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, Public Works Director Duane Schwartz responded <br /> that staff was currently meeting and negotiating with Church Administration and <br /> their Council, with the next meeting scheduled in September, to address broader <br /> easements for a drainage plan. However, Mr. Schwartz advised that the applica- <br /> tion currently before the City Council was for the School, a separate entity from <br /> the Church itself. <br /> Mayor Roe asked Mr. Schwartz if the City's overall drainage project was being <br /> held up by the Church or progressing as anticipated. <br /> Mr. Schwartz advised that staff had continued to work throughout 2012 on the <br /> overall drainage plan, as well as into 2013. During this time, Mr. Schwartz ad- <br /> vised that the Church had undergone a change in its administration as well as pas- <br /> tors, and had asked that discussions wait for their new staff to be on board. Mr. <br /> Schwartz expressed staff's hope that things will progress in a favorable manner <br /> for all parties as those discussions proceed. <br /> Councilmember Willmus requested clarification by Mr. Schwartz on his interpre- <br /> tation and that of Councilmember Etten on the mitigation proposed by Engineer- <br /> ing, and whether it solved part of the existing overall problem or just that created <br /> by the increased impervious surface created by this temporary structure, but noth- <br /> ing for the underlying problem. <br /> Councilmember McGehee stated that it was her understanding that, although this <br /> solved the immediate temporary structure issue, there remained easement issues <br />