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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 19,2013 <br /> Page 9 <br /> As a contractor by trade, and regarding the suggestion that the temporary structure <br /> be attached to the existing structure, Mr. Thompson advised that the temporary <br /> structure would not be sprinklered, and if there was any way to provide an outside <br /> double access door from one building to another, he would attach the buildings in <br /> a heartbeat. However, Mr. Thompson advised that his interpretation of comments <br /> he'd received to-date regarding such an option, included that, due to the church <br /> building's significant size and needed access for Sunday School and HIH stu- <br /> dents, there remained things to be determined yet (e.g. points of exit, evacuation <br /> plan in case of fire), all requiring him to adhere to those determinations. At this <br /> time, Mr. Thompson advised that the 30' distance between the two buildings was <br /> the only known available until further review was completed. <br /> Willmus moved, Laliberte seconded, adoption of Resolution No. 11087 (entitled, <br /> "A Resolution Approving a Temporary Classroom Facility as an Interim Use at <br /> 2131 Fairview Avenue (PF13-010)." <br /> While in favor of moving forward with this particular project based on its specific <br /> merits, Councilmember Laliberte expressed her support of getting something in <br /> place to provide construction standards for temporary structures; and suggested <br /> that the City be proactive in going forward on that in the immediate future. <br /> Councilmember McGehee spoke in opposition to the motion; opining that she <br /> would support tabling action at this time. Councilmember McGehee opined that <br /> it would be much better for the students if the temporary structure was connected <br /> to the existing structure; and expressed her confidence that a reasonable solution <br /> could be found to do so while also meeting fire code requirements versus students <br /> having to go outside to access restroom facilities. By tabling action on this appli- <br /> cation, Councilmember McGehee also opined that this would provide the City <br /> leverage to address the overall drainage issue in this area. <br /> McGehee moved to TABLE action on this request to address connection of the <br /> temporary structure to the existing structure, and to address overall drainage is- <br /> sues in the area; for action at the earliest possible time to consider the issue. <br /> The motion failed due to the lack of a second. <br /> Mayor Roe spoke in support of the motion; opining that it was important to re- <br /> member that the Interim Use was limited to no more than three (3) years; and ex- <br /> pressed his concern in putting unreasonable terms on this approval; opining that <br /> the motion currently before the body did not preclude the applicant from attaching <br /> the temporary structure to the existing structure, which appeared to be the appli- <br /> cant's preference as well. Mayor Roe suggested that these details were dependent <br /> on and should be left up to fire safety and building official determinations. <br />