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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 26,2013 <br /> Page 10 <br /> trative department. Councilmember McGehee further opined that Mr. Trudgeon <br /> had done an excellent job of aligning jobs with current resources and budget, but <br /> that it was not sustainable. Councilmember McGehee advised that she would <br /> support a Full-Time Office Assistant and advertising for a Communications Man- <br /> ager. However, Councilmember McGehee opined that she did not like the Senior <br /> Office Assistant being responsible to two (2) bosses: the Assistant to the City <br /> Manager/City Clerk and the Human Resources Manager, further opining that she <br /> had heard that a full-time assistant was needed for the Human Resources function. <br /> Councilmember McGehee noted that the additional staff needed for the Human <br /> Resources and Administrative functions would also be tasked as the primary <br /> greeter in the office, and with numerous interruptions during the day, it would se- <br /> verely limit the work of that person. Councilmember McGehee stated that she <br /> pointed out these issues, noting that the Interim City Manager was well aware of <br /> these fundamental issues, and opined that she would add to the list of his goals to <br /> provide his ultimate review of the Administration Department and unbiased rec- <br /> ommendations to get the department to a level of efficiency and work propor- <br /> tioned for the most effective operation. Councilmember McGehee stated that the <br /> City Council had heard repeatedly that people were working in excess of seventy <br /> (70) hours per week, and opined that this was an unreasonable expectation as a <br /> daily work load; prompting her request for an ultimate overview to achieve opti- <br /> mum circumstances. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte agreed that the chain of command graphics showing di- <br /> rect reports for the Senior Office Assistant to two apparent supervisors proved <br /> problematic for her, even while understanding that both of those positions needed <br /> help. However, Councilmember Laliberte expressed her preference that some dif- <br /> ferentiation is provided to show a clear reporting structure. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon clarified that the graphics were simply representative that the posi- <br /> tion worked for both, with both Human Resources and Administration providing <br /> work flow to that person, while all parties clearly understood the reporting struc- <br /> ture. <br /> Mayor Roe concurred with concerns that only one person provide feedback, direc- <br /> tion and employee evaluations for the Senior Office Assistant position. <br /> Specific to the Assistant to the City Manager/City Clerk position and develop- <br /> ment of the job description, Councilmember Laliberte opined that there needed to <br /> be enough flexibility to adjust it as indicated, opining that the listed duties were <br /> too much for one person to do in a normal day, week or month, and requiring re- <br /> finement. Councilmember Laliberte recognized that, once Human Resources no <br /> longer needed as much assistance, with the HRIS was fully implemented and re- <br /> ducing some of the current workload, the position should be evaluated once again. <br />