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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 26,2013 <br /> Page 11 <br /> Recognizing that the Communications Manager position would be receiving fund- <br /> ing support from the Housing & Redevelopment Authority (HRA), Councilmem- <br /> ber Etten questioned if there would be a net gain realized for that position and <br /> completion of objectives while sharing duties among HRA and Administrative <br /> needs; and also meeting the goal of breaking down silos and absorbing some of <br /> the extra work from other departments. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon advised that the current structure allowed for 1.5 FTE and the new <br /> structure would provide for 2.0 FTE, with the expectation that a higher level em- <br /> ployee could more fluidly cross departments and make strategic sense of how to <br /> accomplish the goals, and directly report that process to the City Manager and <br /> Department Heads. While he didn't expect the position to be at the same level as <br /> Department Heads, Mr. Trudgeon advised that he did envision them being in- <br /> volved in the same discussions; anticipating that the barriers could be broken <br /> down and provide a better and more consistent end product. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Etten, Mr. Trudgeon clarified that the intent was <br /> that the overall branding would be similar to the level and quality of today's HRA <br /> marketing efforts. Mr. Trudgeon advised that the HRA was interested in being <br /> part of versus separate from a unified city-wide branding; suggesting that the joint <br /> efforts will prove beneficial to all parties within the City organization. <br /> Specific to the City Clerk position taking on best value contract efforts, Coun- <br /> cilmember Wilimus questioned how that position could address ongoing functions <br /> in that incredibly time-consuming role. <br /> Councilmember Trudgeon advised that the position had performed that function <br /> with the recent recycling contract; and clarified that the intent was only for ad- <br /> ministrative and City Council contracts, not city-wide, which would prove few <br /> and far between. However, if needed, Mr. Trudgeon advised that the function <br /> could be evaluated and revisited if indicated to be problematic. <br /> Specific to the.Communications Manager and Specialist areas, Councilmember <br /> Laliberte recognized some apprehension by some departments to truly turn over <br /> this function; and expressed her hope that a good hire will inspire confidence and <br /> free up employees in those departments to perform other work, with one go-to <br /> person servicing the entire City. Councilmember Laliberte expressed her appreci- <br /> ation in Mr. Trudgeon's attempts to make that happen. <br /> Councilmember McGehee concurred with that comment; and recognized the con- <br /> siderable effort and funding made by the HRA for their branding, opining that it <br /> was now very well established. From her personal perspective, Councilmember <br /> McGehee suggested that their brand or a portion of it could be carried over, since <br /> it seemed to be a good brand with effectiveness; opining that she could think of <br /> no department in the City that wouldn't fit with that HRA brand. Regarding the <br />