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Attachment A <br />BE ACTXVE! BE GREEN! RECYCLING BENCH PROGRAM <br />PROJECT CONTRACT <br />This pxoject contract {"Project Contract") is between the County of Ramsey, through <br />the Ramsey County Parks and Recreation Department ("County'� a�d The City of <br />Roseville {"Graniee'�. <br />WHEREAS, the County has established and fu�ded the Be Active! Be G�een! <br />Recycling Be�ch Program ("P�ogram"} to suppo�t and p�omote the Acrive Living <br />Ramsey Commu�ities Initiative; and <br />WHEREAS, the G�a,�tee urishes to participa�e in the P�ogram; <br />NO'W, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THE <br />PARTIES THAT: <br />I. COUNTY'S DUTIES <br />a. Upon executi.on of this P�oject Contract, or a� such othe� time as agreed <br />to by the pa.zties, arid subject to the right of the County to seek <br />reimbuxsement of its costs as set forth in Section IV. herein, the County <br />will puzchase a�d deliver to the Grantee benches and paver(s) in the <br />qua�rities and types listed in the Grantee's Applicatio�, attached hereto <br />and made a paart of this Pro}ect Contract as Attachment A. <br />b. The County will provide the benches on the condition that the Grantee <br />i�nstall them in accordance with the provisions o� this Agreement; and all <br />applicable £ederal, state and local laws, o�dinances, rules and regufatio�s. <br />xX. GRANTEE'S DUTIES <br />a. The Gxantee shall consi�uct a netwo�k of the County-provided benches <br />and pavers on publicly accessible rights of way a� the locations indicated <br />in the Bench Details, attached hereto and made a part of this P�oject <br />Co�tract as Attachment B. <br />b. Each bench in the bench network provided by the County already <br />incozpoxates the acknowledgment and messages of Active Living <br />Ramsey Comrnunities. Acknowledg�nent of the Gxantee and other <br />donors shall be in a format that is consistent with the provisions of <br />Attachrnent B. <br />Be Activel Be Green? Recycling Bench <br />Project Comtract with the City of Rosev�ille <br />Page 1 0� 5 <br />