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c. The Grantee shall submit documentation accepta.ble to the County <br />evidencing the installarion of the County-provided benches and pavers <br />i� accordance with the p�ovisio�s of this Agreement no later thar� <br />�ctober 31, 2015. <br />d The Grantee agrees that �acilities funded under this Project Con�act will <br />be maintained in a safe usable condition for a minimum of 20 years f�om <br />the date of project complerion. <br />e. The Grantee agrees that facilities funded under this P�oject Co�tract will <br />be available for use by all people regardless of race, gender, economic <br />background or national origin. <br />XII. TERM �F CONTRACT <br />This P�oject Contract shall be effective upon execution by both pa.�ties and <br />shall remain in effec� through October 31, 2015, or until all obligations se� <br />for�.i in this Project Contract have been satisfactorily ful.filled, whichever <br />occurs fitst. <br />XV. CANCELLATxON <br />The County may cancel this Project Contract �or cause immediately i� the <br />County dete�mined that there has been a subs�antiai fai.l.ure on �he part oi �he <br />Grantee to comply with the provisions of this Project Contract, that zeasonab�e <br />prog�ess has not been made, o� that the puYposes for which the funds were <br />gxanted have nat been or will not be fulfilled. Upon such cancellation and <br />receipt of an invoice from the County, the Grantee shall itnniediately reimburse <br />the County for the costs incurred by the County in pu�chasing and providing <br />the benches and pavers to the Gzantee. If the Grantee fails to make such <br />payment within 30 days of �eceipt of an invoice from the County, the County <br />may such legal aciion as necessary to obtain payment and the G�antee shall <br />be obliga.ted to also reimburse the Cou�ty its costs of tal�ing the legal action, <br />i�cluding �easonable attorneys' £ees. <br />V. COUNTY'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE <br />a. The County's authorized representative foz purposes of administratton <br />of Yhis Project Contract is Berriardy, Active Living Ramsey <br />Comrnunities► Coa�ition Director. Connie Bernardy, Living <br />Ramsey Communities! Coalition Di��cto�. Such �epresentative shall <br />have fina�. authority for acceptance o£ the Grantee's pe�formance under <br />the terms of this Project Contract, ar�d if such performance is �ot <br />Be Activel Be Green! Recycling Bench <br />Pxoject Gontxact with the City of Roseville <br />Page2of5 <br />