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.� maintained, and 8-wide and adjacent to the roadway in areas where existing conditions do not <br />. allow for a boulevard. Retaining walls will be needed in some areas. <br />. Concrete sidewalk on Victoria Street, County Road B-2 to the existing flashing crosswalk- <br />.. east or west side <br />. Staff considered both sides of the street for this segment of sidewalk. <br />.. On the east side, the sidewalk could be 6-feet wide with a 5-foot boulevard from Co Rd B-2 to <br />� Sextant. However, to avoid impacts to trees and the Central Park sign, the sidewalk would be an <br />� 8-foot wide and attached to the roadway from Sextant to the driveway entrance at Central Park. <br />��� North of the driveway entrance, a connection would be constructed to the existing trail. Sidewalk <br />��� users would then follow the existing trail down to the flashing crosswalk. <br />�- On the west side, the sidewalk would be an 8-foot wide attached sidewalk from County Road B- <br />� 2 to Transit Avenue. A retaining wall would be required along this entire segment. North of <br />Transit, the sidewalk could be 6-feet wide with a 5-foot boulevard. A retaining wall would be <br />��� needed until the walk reaches Central Park, where we could work within the park property to <br />�= grade and match into existing slopes. <br />l� Concrete sidewalk on the west side of Victoria, from the existing flashing crosswalk to the <br />existing sidewalk at Prince of Peace church <br />� The west side is being recommended for this segment so that wetland impacts can be avoided, as <br />�: well as the fact that there is an existing sidewalk at the Prince of Peace church to connect to. This <br />.� segment is proposed to be 6-feet wide, with a 5-foot boulevard. <br />� Attachment B shows the preliminary design layout of the proposed sidewalks. <br />� Community Input <br />:� The following meetings have been held to provide information on the proposed project, receive <br />. comments and answer questions and concerns: <br />Meetin Date Meetin <br />February 28, 2013 Neighborhood meeting #1 <br />June 19, 2013 Neighborhood meeting #2 <br />July 23, 2013 Public Works, Environment and <br />Transportation Commission <br />August 6, 2013 Parks and Recreation Commission <br />October 14, 2013 City Council Meeting <br />.� The first public information meeting had over 80 people in attendance. The main discussion at <br />�; this first meeting was the overall need for the project; residents present were both in favor and <br />E� opposed to the project. The second informational meeting was also well attended, with over 50 <br />:�: people in the audience. Most of the comments received at the second meeting were property <br />� specific, either drainage concerns or questions about tree impacts. Comments were also <br />� submitted by residents in support of the proj ect. <br />Page 2 of 5 <br />