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City Council Resolutions
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Last modified
7/17/2007 8:40:54 AM
Creation date
12/2/2004 10:30:10 AM
Roseville City Council
Document Type
Council Resolutions
Resolution #
Resolution Title
Approving a Variance to Section 703.04B2 and B9 of the Roseville City Code for Property Located at 201 McCarrons Street (PF3228)
Resolution Date Passed
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<br />to accommodate such a vehicle; and, <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the applicant did not create these hardships; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, there is a unique physical feature to the property that would justify <br />the variance, specifically the narrow shape of the lot and placement of the principal <br />structure, that there is not a reasonable alternative design that would not require a <br />variance, and that the granting of the variance is in keeping with the spirit and intent of <br />the ordinance and would not significantly impact the general welfare of the community; <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the Planning Commission also recommended that that the following <br />conditions be attached to the Ralph Jensen variance request: <br /> <br />1. That the applicant supply a drainage plan for the driveway that directs water away from <br />the neighboring lot; and <br /> <br />2. That the applicant remove the existing driveway on the east side of the property and <br />replace it with sod and landscaping; and <br /> <br />3. That the applicant constructs a turn-around space adjacent to the detached garage. <br /> <br />NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council (the "Council") of the City <br />ofRoseville, Minnesota (the "City"), Ramsey County, Minnesota, that a variance to allow a <br />driveway to encroach up to the west property line for the property located at 201 McCarron's <br />Street be approved subject to three conditions: <br /> <br />1. That the applicant supply a drainage plan for the driveway that directs water away from <br />the neighboring lot and which plan shall include a curb along the western edge to reduce <br />drainage onto the adjacent (west) property; and <br /> <br />2. That the applicant remove the existing driveway on the east side of the property and <br />replace it with sod and landscaping; and <br /> <br />3. That the applicant constructs a turn-around space adjacent to the detached garage. <br /> <br />The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Council <br />Member Wiski, and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor: Wiski, Mastel, <br />Maschka, Goedeke & Kysylyczyn and the following voted against the same: none <br /> <br />WHEREUPON said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. <br /> <br />2 <br />
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