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stores, freestanding smaller businesses, multistory office buildings, and groupings of <br />3 automobile dealerships. Regional Business areas are located in places with visibility and <br />ss access from the regional highway system (Interstate 35W and State Highway 36). <br />39 Community Business <br />ao Community Business uses are commercial areas oriented toward businesses involved <br />41 with the sale of goods and services to a local market area. Community business areas <br />42 include shopping centers and freestanding businesses that promote community <br />43 orientation and scale. To provide access and manage traffic, community business areas <br />44 are located on streets designated as A Minor Augmentor or A Minor Reliever in the <br />45 Transportation Plan. Community Business areas should have a strong orientation to <br />46 pedestrian and bicycle access to the area and movement within the area. Residential <br />47 uses, generally with a density greater than 12 units per acre, may be located in <br />as Community Business areas only as part of mixed -use buildings with allowable business <br />49 uses on the ground floor. <br />50 Neighborhood Business <br />51 Neighborhood Business uses are small -scale business areas located on or at the <br />52 intersection of minor arterial and collector streets. Business uses in these areas may <br />ss include retail, service, and office. Residential uses may be located in a mixed -use <br />54 building in these areas. Residential uses should generally have a density between four <br />55 and 12 units per acre and are subject to the other limitations for this land use. Buildings <br />56 shall be scaled appropriately to the surrounding neighborhood. There should be <br />57 appropriate buffers and pedestrian connections between Neighborhood Business areas <br />58 and adjacent residential neighborhoods. Neighborhood Business areas should be <br />59 connected to surrounding neighborhoods by sidewalks or trails. <br />60 ZONING CLASSIFICATIONS: <br />61 The Community Mixed -Use District is designed to encourage the development or <br />V redevelopment of mixed -use centers that may include housing, office, commercial, park, <br />63 civic, institutional, and open space uses. Complementary uses should be organized into <br />64 cohesive districts in which mixed- or single -use buildings are connected by streets, <br />sidewalks and trails, and open space to create a pedestrian - oriented environment. The <br />6b CMU District is intended to be applied to areas of the City guided for redevelopment or <br />intensification. <br />PP The Regional Business District is designed for businesses that provide goods and <br />6- services to a regional market area, including regional -scale malls, shopping centers, <br />ru large format stores, multi -story office buildings and automobile dealerships. RB Districts <br />71 are intended for locations with visibility and access from the regional highway system. <br />72 The district is also intended to: <br />73 1. Encourage a `park once" environment within districts by enhancing pedestrian <br />74 movement and a pedestrian friendly environment; <br />75 2. Encourage high quality building and site design to increase the visual appeal and <br />76 continuing viability of development in the RB District; and <br />77 3. Provide adequate buffering of surrounding neighborhoods. <br />78 The Community Business District is designed for shopping areas with moderately scaled <br />79 retail and service uses, including shopping centers, freestanding businesses, and mixed- <br />Page 2 of 8 <br />