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Human Rights Commission
Agendas and Packets
2013 Agendas and packets
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Human Rights Commission Minutes <br />September 18, 2013 —Draft Minutes <br />Page 5 of 10 <br />185 the Karen community standards were to live in extended families in close proximity to other <br />186 Karen. <br />187 <br />188 Ms. Curti stated the City would be assisting to assure that standard human rights were being met <br />189 with housing. <br />190 <br />191 Commissioner Thao reported h she understood that bed bugs and head lice were <br />192 also concerns that needed to be addressed with the housing issues. <br />193 <br />194 Commissioner Singleton commented some of these issues were the responsibility of the property <br />195 owners, and questioned what the HRC's role in these issues was. Chair Grefenberg responded <br />196 that the Karen Community was both unfamiliar with the democratic process and the roles of <br />197 local, county, and federal government, and that the HRC' s role could be that of teaching and <br />198 sharing with this new immigrant community on how to become engaged in their new home <br />199 communities, including civic governance. <br />200 <br />201 Commissioner Becker understood this to be the case; however, the Karen community was <br />202 in fear of retaliation when voicing concerns regarding their rental units. In addition, <br />203 Commissioner Groff noted, the new immigrants did not understand the City's Ordinances. <br />204 Further discussion ensued regarding the housing concerns for the Karen community. <br />205 <br />206 Chair Grefenberg f:enomrm °mod -said the HRC could play a useful role in assisting the Karen <br />207 community and its leaders -to bring these housing concerns bo. to the HRA and the City <br />208 Council to assure that the immigrants' issues were clearly voiced. <br />209 <br />210 Public Comment: Chair Grefenberg asked if there was anyone in the audience who would like <br />211 to comment on this agenda item. <br />212 <br />213 City Councilmember Bob , Willmus- introduced himself as a city council member and a <br />214 member of the Roseville Housing and Redevelopment Authority te. tlh%el He <br />215 emphasized the <br />216 proposal currently being discussed was not a registration program but a multi -unit rental <br />217 licensing ordinance which would affect every n 1? *4 f"mi? v rental building of more than four <br />218 units and would ' ' require these properties to be inspected. The intent was to assure the <br />219 multi - family properties were complying with City Code, in addition to being safe and secure for <br />220 Roseville citizens. <br />221 <br />222 14e Council member Willmus indicated was pleased the Karen community eaffle had come <br />223 forward and voiced their concerns about units occupied by more than the number of persons <br />224 currently allowed by the code, in other words possible unintended consequences. He noted the <br />225 proposed program would go into effect in 2015, thus allowing time to work with some of these <br />226 groups and address their concerns. He encouraged the HRC to continue to work with the <br />227 Karen in assessing the draft code 1��. <br />228 <br />
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