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6. Equipment Upgrade. Lessee may update or replace the Antenna Facilities on the Tower from time to time with <br />prior written approval of Owner, which approval shall not unreasonably be withheld, conditioned, or delayed <br />provided that the replacement facilities on the Tower are not greater in number, weight, size or volume than the <br />existing facilities on the Tower and that any change in their location on the Tower is satisfactory to Owner in its <br />reasonable discretion. Lessee shall submit to der a detailed proposal for any such replacement facilities and <br />supplemental materials on the Tower as may be requested, for Owner's evaluation and approval. owner shall <br />approve or object to the proposed attachment within days of receipt, and any failure to make objection within <br />said 30 days shall be deemed approval by Owner. Notwithstanding anything Herein to the contrary, Lessee shall <br />have the right to add, modify, replace and upgrade equipment located on the ground and within the footprint of the <br />Premises and to make like -kind replacements of equipment on the Tower, without owner's consent. <br />7. Maintenance. <br />a) Lessee shall, at its own expense, maintain any equipment on or attached to the Property in a safe <br />condition, in good repair and in compliance with applicable law. Lessee's maintenance activities shall <br />not unreasonably interfere with the working use of the Property, related to facilities or other equipment <br />of additional lessees. <br />b Lessee shah have sole responsibility for the maintenance, repair and security of its equipment, personal <br />property, Antenna Facilities, and leasehold improvement, and shall keep the same in good repair and <br />condition during the Lease term, including keeping the egwprment similar in color to the Tower. <br />c Lessee must keep the Premises free of debris or anything of a dangerous, noxious or offensive nature or <br />which would create a fire or other hazard, undue vibration, heat or noise in violation of applicable law. <br />d owner shall maintain and repair the Property and access thereto, the Tower, and all areas of the <br />Premises where Lessee does not have exclusive control, in good and tenantable condition, subject to <br />reasonable wear and tear and damage from the elements. Owner reserves the right to perform structural or <br />cosmetic maintenance on the Tower. when owner plans to paint or repair the Tower, Owner shall give <br />Lessee at least one hundred eighty (ISO) days' prier written notice of the intended work and the opportunity for <br />the Lessee to provide adequate measures to cover Lessee's equipment, personal proper or Antenna <br />Facilities and protect such from paint and debs fallout which may occur and allow Lessee's continued <br />operation thereof. If Lessee is required to temporarily relocate the Antenna Facilities, or any portion thereo <br />Lessee will be permitted to install any type of temporary facility necessary to Keep its Antenna Facilities <br />operational. Any maintenance will be conducted by owner as diligently and expeditiously as possible. In <br />emergency situations, owner will provide as much notice as is feasible under the circumstances. owner <br />will not remove, modify, relocate or otherwise tamper with Lessee's equipment without Lessee's prior <br />written consent. <br />e Lessee will fence off or otherwise have a physical barrier, meeting owner's reasonable approval, <br />separating its ground space from the owner's ground space. <br />8. Property Access. <br />a Lessee, at all times during this Lease, shall have vehicle and pedestrian ingress and egress <br />over the Property by means of the existing access, subject to notice requirements <br />to owner as set forth in Section b below. <br />b Lessee, at all times during this Lease, shall have 24ihours -a -day, 7- days -a -week access to <br />the Property in order to install, operate, and maintain its Antenna Facilities. <br />Owner grants to Lessee a non-exclusive easement for such access and owner <br />agrees to provide to Lessee such codes, keys and other instruments necessary for <br />such access at no additional cost to Lessee. Upon Lessee's request, owner will <br />execute a separate recordable easement evidncmng this right <br />C) Lessee is also granted the right, at its sole cost and expense, to enter upon the owner's <br />Property to determine the property's suitability for any intended use of the <br />Lessee, which studies may include surveys, environmental evaluations, radio <br />