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SECTION 10 - SERVICES AND TASK ORDERS <br />10.1 Where Blaine and Roseville exchange Services under this Agreement, <br />such Services will be defined in the form of a Task Order, in writing and signed <br />by the Management Committee. <br />(a) The intent of this provision is to ensure clear communications and <br />commitment prior to either party taking action or incurring costs on behalf of <br />the other. Both parties will act in good faith to identify requirements, <br />expectations and to adhere to the commitments specified within this <br />Agreement. <br />(b) Services exchanged or actions taken with the intent of providing <br />Services between Blaine and Roseville without an agreed Task Order will <br />not be covered by the terms of the Agreement and incurred costs will not <br />be reimbursed. The party requesting Services covenants, by way of <br />executing a Task Order pursuant to this Agreement that its requests for <br />Service are within the annual budget for that party. <br />(c) In cases of emergency, where the urgency of circumstance precludes the <br />practicality of executing a Task Order for a Service not covered by an <br />existing Task Order, the Task Order may be reduced to writing and <br />executed as soon after provision of Services as is practicable. Where the <br />parties cannot agree on the terms of the written Task Order, the parties <br />agree to follow the dispute resolution procedures set forth in Section 5. An <br />emergency may be any unanticipated event or circumstance outside the <br />bounds of existing provisions under any active Task Order that the <br />Management Committee members or the designees of both parties declare <br />as such. <br />(d) Unless agreed otherwise by both parties, the costs incurred in the <br />planning, preparing and processing of a Task Order by one party will not be <br />charged to the other. <br />10.2 All Task Orders are subject to the terms and condition of this Agreement. <br />10.3 All Task Orders must minimally include acceptance by the Management <br />Committee. The Management Committee shall ensure that any additional <br />authorization requirements, with respect to their individual organizations, have been <br />secured prior to initiating or amending the Task Orders. <br />10.4 Duration of a Task Order shall be defined in the Task Order and may be: <br />a limited time period; concluded upon accomplishment of specified deliverables; <br />or a continuing Service with regular renewal review. <br />(a) Task Orders may address Services that are of a general or continuous <br />