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nature that would be reviewed annually, at the same time as the Agreement. <br />Such Task orders may also be terminated in accordance to the terms defined <br />in Section 3. <br />(b) Alternatively, Task Orders may also be defined in association with a specific <br />Project which would include specific criteria for normal completion (e.g. point- <br />in- time, deliverable acceptance); these too may be terminated in accordance to <br />the terms defined in Section 3. <br />10.5 Task Orders may not amend this Agreement or its terms and conditions, but <br />shall specify Services, rates, and other aspects of the scope of work for specific <br />Services related to this Agreement. The terms of a Task Order will apply only to the <br />specific Task Order and may not change such terms or conditions relative to the <br />Agreement or other Task Orders. <br />10.6 Each Task Order will utilize the standardized form. Attached as Exhibit A. <br />10.7 Provider of Services will track and report status, as may be defined in the <br />Task Order, with regard to: <br />(a) Performance - related service levels. <br />(b) Progress towards deliverables. <br />(c) Billed costs vs. maximum specified annual Task Order budgeted amount. <br />10.8 If the deliverables specified in a Task Order are not achieved or the <br />Recipient believes it is not receiving acceptable service, the parties shall follow the <br />dispute resolution procedures set forth in Section 5 and for Termination for Breach <br />set forth in Section 5.4. <br />SECTION It - FINANCIAL TERMS AND PAYMENT PROCESS <br />11.1 Unless agreed otherwise by both parties, the Provider will present invoices <br />to Recipient monthly. Charges for Services will be invoiced no later than thirty (30) <br />days following the period in which Services were delivered, costs incurred and all <br />relevant vendor or supplier invoices have been received, or the project milestone for <br />payment is accomplished. <br />11.2 Invoices may combine charges from multiple Task Orders, unless <br />otherwise defined for a specific Task Order. <br />11.3 Invoices shall include: <br />(a) Total of all charges represented on the invoice. <br />(b) Itemization by Task Order and as further instructed within the Task Order. <br />(c) Copies of third -party invoices representing a basis for the invoiced charge. <br />