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644 5.10.2 Data Privacy and Security <br />645 All Parties to this Agreement will: <br />646 comply with applicable federal and state statutes, <br />647 regulations and agreements regarding data privacy and <br />648 security; <br />649 not obtain, use, share or disclose Protected Data other <br />650 than as permitted or required by law. For purposes of <br />651 this provision, the term Protected Data means "not <br />652 public data ", defined under the Minnesota <br />653 Government Data Practices Act, Section 13.02, <br />654 Subdivision 8a; <br />655 implement appropriate administrative, physical, and <br />656 technical safeguards to protect the confidentiality, <br />657 integrity, and availability of Protected Data and <br />658 prevent unauthorized use or disclosure by any <br />659 Member or User; <br />660 if allowed under Minnesota Statutes chapter 13, report <br />661 to the other Parties any known unauthorized use or <br />662 disclosure of a Party's Protected Data or any security <br />663 incident, as appropriate; <br />664 <br /> ensure that any agents or contractors with access to <br />665 <br />Protected Data agree to the same restrictions and <br />666 <br />conditions and implement reasonable and appropriate <br />667 <br />privacy and security safeguards imposed by this <br />668 <br />Agreement and applicable law; <br />669 <br /> make Protected Data available for amendment and <br />670 <br />incorporate any amendments as required and <br />671 <br />authorized by law; <br />672 <br /> make available the information required to provide an <br />673 <br />accounting of disclosures of Protected Data; and <br />674 <br /> If this Agreement is terminated as to any Party, all other Parties <br />675 <br />will either destroy or return the Protected Data of the terminating <br />676 <br />Party to the terminating Party and retain no copies of such data, if <br />677 <br />feasible, or if such destruction or return is not feasible, extend the <br />678 <br />protections of this Agreement to the Protected Data and limit <br />679 <br />further uses and disclosures of the Protected Data to those <br />680 <br />purposes that make the return or destruction of the Protected <br />681 <br />Data infeasible. <br />682 <br /> Each Party shall require all individuals who use the CAD and <br />683 <br />Mobile Systems to review and sign the System Users Agreement, <br />684 <br />attached to and made a part of this Agreement as Exhibit 2. <br />CAD and Mobile Data Agreement Ramsey County and User Members Page 18 of 48 <br />