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874 by the Members. The trained Member personnel will then provide <br />875 training to other Member System Users. <br />876 Mobile Data System training for System Users will take place at <br />877 mutually agreed upon locations using Member - provided devices. <br />878 After go -live the County will update training materials as needed <br />879 and make those available to Members. <br />880 After go -live the County will provide training on the System for <br />881 Members' new hires. <br />882 6.7 Reports <br />883 6.7.1 The System Manager will provide a set of standard reports available from the <br />884 CAD System Vendor. <br />885 6.7.2 Upon request the County will generate one or more export files, using <br />886 standard fields and parameters and standard data export methods supported <br />887 by the CAD System Vendor. The export file(s) will contain raw data so a <br />888 Member may create its own reports using its own resources. <br />889 6.7.3 If a Member needs reports other than from these sources, the County may <br />890 charge the Member for creating custom reports. Members may submit a fee <br />891 refund request for charges for a custom report that becomes a standard <br />892 report. <br />893 6.7.4 Open Database Connectivity ( "ODBC ") connections may be requested <br />894 through and must be approved by the CAD Command Subcommittee. <br />895 Members are responsible for software licenses and support of independent <br />896 reporting tools. <br />897 6.8 Public Information Requests <br />898 <br />6.8.1 The System Manager will assist Members in responding to data requests by <br />899 <br />providing the requested data that is in the System to the Member within a <br />900 <br />reasonable time from the request. Member(s) will be provided with a data <br />901 <br />export file containing the System data along with documentation of the data <br />902 <br />fields provided. It will be the Member's responsibility to respond to the data <br />903 <br />request and to filter, format, and redact data as needed to fulfill the public <br />904 <br />information request in accordance with applicable law. <br />905 7. Ongoing Member Responsibilities (see also section 5. System Operation: Responsibilities of <br />906 the Parties) <br />907 7.1 Base Map: <br />908 7.1.1 Members will submit new information on property key holders <br />909 (ownership /lease) and common place names for businesses in accordance <br />910 with County established standards. <br />911 7.1.2 Members will notify the Department of changes to streets and all addresses <br />912 at least quarterly. <br />CAD and Mobile Data Agreement Ramsey County and User Members Page 24 of 48 <br />