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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
12/16/2013 10:36:51 AM
Creation date
12/16/2013 10:36:31 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, November 25, 2013 <br /> Page 12 <br /> identify those sources as part of staffs report to the City Council and subsequent <br /> discussion to provide the best course possible based on all input given. <br /> In terms of Mr. Grefenberg's reference to documentation included as part of to- <br /> night's budget discussion materials, Mayor Roe clarified that this report is <br /> through October of 2013, and any remaining funds may not represent a surplus, <br /> but simply funds not yet expended for projects funded or approved, or final pay- <br /> ments still pending and not made until year-end or perhaps even into next year. <br /> Mayor Roe sought to clarify and not give the impression that those funds may not <br /> be obligated; however, he agreed with Councilmember Willmus in finding crea- <br /> tive sources for short-term project funding. <br /> Councilmember Willmus encouraged residents to continue to provide feedback to <br /> staff and individual Councilmembers as the process went forward. <br /> b. Asset Management Software <br /> Public Works Director Schwartz introduced Public Works Department Assistant <br /> Sally Ricard to provide a demonstration on the City's Asset Management Soft- <br /> ware. Mr. Schwartz credited Ms. Ricard for her data input and use of this system <br /> for the Public Works Department, recognizing her as the key staff member critical <br /> to the success of this software program for their department. <br /> Prior to the demonstration, Mr. Schwartz briefly provided background on the <br /> product and original selection of the vendor: PubWorks from Colorado, who had <br /> over 400 public sector clients from around the nation, and specifically served the <br /> public sector infrastructure and facility needs versus those of the private sector <br /> operations. In choosing this vendor, Mr. Schwartz advised that one of the con- <br /> cerns was that the software match the capabilities of staff, without having to dedi- <br /> cate staff strictly for managing the asset management software, but that it would <br /> be user friendly enough for front line staff to enter data based on their given <br /> workday; and that the information be easily understandable and in language the <br /> average employee could understand. Mr. Schwartz advised that this vendor <br /> seemed particularly interested in meeting the City's data needs, as indicated by <br /> references given by other clients; and their development of a program based on <br /> client needs. <br /> Mr. Schwartz advised that all Public Works activity for 2013 was currently in- <br /> cluded on the software program and based on a two-week time period; with most <br /> staff, other than maintenance staff, entering data daily themselves (e.g. supervi- <br /> sors, engineers, and engineering department staff); allowing better tracking back <br /> to assets or projects;building data to better manage in the future. <br /> Mr. Schwartz advised that some key issues for his department in the beginning <br /> was to make a commitment to succeed, rather than a more expensive and robust <br /> program used by some larger cities that had to dedicate staff, but had not gotten <br />
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