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City Council Meeting Minutes
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12/16/2013 10:47:49 AM
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12/16/2013 10:47:35 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, December 2, 2013 <br /> Page 12 <br /> from them in recognizing the value of volunteers, even though impacts were <br /> higher in some departments than others, but open to evolution. <br /> As proposed in the RCA, Mr. Trudgeon recommended the immediate creation of <br /> a part-time Volunteer Coordinator position as part of the 2014 budget, with <br /> $20,000 used from the City's contingency line item, leaving $35,000 for a possi- <br /> ble merit pay program at the City Council's discretion. Mr. Trudgeon defined <br /> preliminary work of that part-time position in lines 22 — 28 of the RCA; and <br /> sought City Council direction. <br /> While recognizing the existing large network of volunteers in the Parks & Recrea- <br /> tion Department, Councilmember McGehee spoke in opposition to using that <br /> solely as the Pilot Program. Councilmember McGehee opined that the position <br /> needed to initiate across departments to determine coordination and differences <br /> between department needs and requirements. Councilmember McGehee opined <br /> that a Volunteer Coordinator Pilot Program to develop a citywide network and an <br /> Organization of park volunteers were two entirely separate and different things. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon responded that his intent was to utilize the existing Parks & Recrea- <br /> tion Department network to build that citywide network and to determine what <br /> did and did not work given this large volunteer pools; and then replicate that for <br /> the rest of the City as the program expanded. Mr. Trudgeon clarified that the in- <br /> tent was not for this position to recruit volunteers, as that was an entirely different <br /> task. Mr. Trudgeon advised that the intent would be to establish a database and <br /> expand that information as the position expanded to full-time. Since the amount <br /> of time to accomplish that was unknown at this time, Mr. Trudgeon noted that the <br /> needs in other departments could be accommodated as much as possible as the <br /> system was set up. For the full breadth of the whole organization to maximize the <br /> position, Mr. Trudgeon opined that the position would need to be full-time, but he <br /> reiterated that this would only be the first incremental step, with the goal being to <br /> incorporate all departments. <br /> At the request of Councilmember McGehee, Mr. Trudgeon responded that his <br /> recommendation to fund the position from the $50,000 contingency fund versus <br /> the parks bonding funds was based on the program being city-wide, not just fo- <br /> cused on parks. Mr. Trudgeon advised that he had analyzed Enterprise Funds; <br /> however, he had found them limited to what could be utilized, leaving only funds <br /> from the tax levy available to fund the position. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte reiterated her previous comments that moving commu- <br /> nication efforts from a multiple person, multiple department structure to a Com- <br /> munications Manager, she opined that there may be an existing employee who <br /> may express interest in developing this pilot program. Councilmember Laliberte <br /> referenced the information provided by Parks & Recreation Director Brokke in a <br /> past meeting from the City of St. Louis Park and their volunteer coordinator and <br />
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