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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
12/16/2013 10:47:49 AM
Creation date
12/16/2013 10:47:35 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, December 2, 2013 <br /> Page 11 <br /> When final 2013 expenditures are known in several months, Mr. Grefenberg ex- <br /> pressed his interest in the City adding another step to the budget process by publi- <br /> cally presenting actual expenditures as well as surplus remaining. <br /> Peter Ryan,316 N McCarron's Boulevard <br /> Mr. Ryan advised that he had spoken at Ramsey County as well as providing writ- <br /> ten comments to all City Council members; however, he expressed his frustration <br /> that he continued to receive basically the same response. As a successful business <br /> owner, Mr. Ryan noted that he needed to operate within a given budget, and dur- <br /> ing the recession he could not always expand or increase his business more than <br /> the market could bear. During that same time over the last decade, Mr. Ryan ad- <br /> vised that his overall taxes for Ramsey County and the City of Roseville had gone <br /> up over 300%. Mr. Ryan questioned the level of insight or fiscal responsibility <br /> being used by the City; and whether all of the money bonded for was actually <br /> needed for parks, or the overall; and opined that to him it seemed like frivolous <br /> spending with that spending needing to be refocused. <br /> As a lifelong Roseville resident, and thoroughly enjoying living in Roseville, Mr. <br /> Ryan questioned if he could continue to do so based on those ongoing tax increas- <br /> es, and whether or not he could continue to afford his home, opining that living in <br /> Roseville was very expensive and didn't provide a real draw for people to move <br /> into the community as it once did. Mr. Ryan opined that it would be nice to see a <br /> budget with no increases; and further opined that it could be done and that many <br /> of the increases were not necessary. Mr. Ryan questioned why he needed to keep <br /> absorbing those increases, which was wearing more and more on taxpayers who <br /> were forced to do with a lot less to pay for those increases and serving to drive <br /> people out of the City. Mr. Ryan opined that the City was no longer bringing in a <br /> lot of high-class houses, only apartments; causing his house values to decrease, <br /> but taxes to increase. <br /> With no one else appearing to speak, Mayor Roe closed the Public Hearing at ap- <br /> proximately 7:52 p.m.; expressing appreciation to those speaking for their good <br /> questions and willingness to participate in the City's budget process. <br /> Recess <br /> Mayor Roe recessed the meeting at approximately 7:52 p.m. and reconvened at approximately <br /> 8:04 p.m. <br /> b. Volunteer Coordinator Discussion <br /> Interim City Manager Patrick Trudgeon briefly reviewed the RCA dated Decem- <br /> ber 2, 2013, and his recommendation based on previous discussions on this pro- <br /> posed position. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon suggested a pilot project to determine not if but how the position <br /> would function in the future. In his recent discussion with Department Heads as <br /> directed by the City Council, Mr. Trudgeon advised that he found acceptance <br />
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