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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, December 2, 2013 <br /> Page 16 <br /> unteer coordination as one portion of their 60-80 hour work week jobs, with those <br /> employees working considerable and unsustainable overtime. If the duties were <br /> reallocated, Councilmember Etten opined that it would serve to bring down their <br /> work load, but still not to a realistic full-time job. Councilmember Etten noted <br /> that there would need to be adjustments made, but that it may simply and realisti- <br /> cally allow them to focus on their main responsibilities and functions better. <br /> When this issue came back as a full-time position recommendation, Councilmem- <br /> ber Laliberte asked that each department weigh in on efficiencies with a specific <br /> percentage provided from each department. <br /> Councilmember McGehee opined that it was not appropriate or transparent to pay <br /> for the position from reserves, but to be upfront about it. <br /> Mayor Roe reiterated City Council consensus moving forward for staff that the <br /> position be full-time, the process be done carefully and realistically in the initial <br /> planning stages through creation of a great job description, and then to find a way <br /> to fund the position. <br /> c. Adopt Final 2014 Budget and Tax Levy <br /> Mayor Roe noted that staff had provided information and request from past City <br /> Council discussions and directives in their latest RCA dated December 2, 2013; <br /> and sought additional input from staff as applicable. <br /> Finance Director Miller advised that he additional information comment regard- <br /> ing budget surpluses to-date or projected at this point, as addressed during to- <br /> night's Public Hearing. <br /> General Fund Surplus <br /> 2012 = $353,000 <br /> 2011 = 574,000 <br /> Total = $927,000 two year combined <br /> In context, Mr. Miller noted that this provided a cash reserve level of 43%, with <br /> the City Council's current reserve policy of 35—45%, with reserves therefore at <br /> the high end of that range. <br /> Parks & Recreation Department Fund Surplus <br /> 2012 = $278,000 <br /> 2011 = 50,000 <br /> Total = $338,000 2 year combined <br /> In context, Mr. Miller noted that this brought that fund into a reserve level of <br /> 23%, with City Council's reserve policy for that fund at 25%. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Willmus, Mr. Miller confirmed that those re- <br /> serves were built into the budget base, as were all cash reserves until appropriat- <br /> ed. However, Mr. Miller clarified that the City strove for a balanced budget and it <br />