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City of Roseville — 2013 Budget <br />Local Benchmark: Percentage of vendor payments (7,000 annually) processed accurately <br />IR2025 Strategy: 2,B <br />Description: N/A <br />2010 <br />2011 <br />2012 <br />3 -Year Avg. <br />2013 <br />Local Benchmark: Percentage of paychecks (8,000 annually) processed accurately <br />IR2025 Strategy: 2.B <br />Des cri tion: NIA <br />2010 2011 2012 3 -Year A 2013 <br />Local Benchmark: Average License Center customer wait time; tab renewals <br />12 2 .Strategy: 23 <br />Description: NIA <br />2010 <br />1 2011 <br />2012 <br />3 -Year Avg. <br />2013 <br />Local Benchmark: Average License Center customer wait time; MV, DL, DNR Licenses <br />I202 Strategy: 23 <br />Descration: NIA <br />2010 2011 2012 3 -Year Avg. 2013 <br />Police Department <br />Regional Benchmark: Number of sworn full -time equivalent officers per 1,000 population <br />X025 Strategy: 5.A <br />Description: Total hours worked by sworn officers divided by population an thousands. Measured <br />December 3 1" ofe ch year umber ofsworn officers divided by population in thousands <br />city 2009 1 2010--j 2011 1 3 -Year Avg. 1 2012 <br />000- <br />i.4- <br />om. iA . 1.34A <br />