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Component Unit <br />The City incorporates the Roseville Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) as a <br />component unit into its financial statements. The HRA accounts for the City's housing - <br />related programs. In 2012, the HRA's net position increased by $177,387 reflecting <br />strong program income. <br />Financial Analysis of the Government's funds <br />Governmental funds. The focus of the City of Roseville's governmental funds is to <br />provide information on near -term inflows, outflows, and balances of spendable resources. <br />Such information is useful in assessing the City of Roseville's financing requirements. In <br />particular, unrestricted fund balance may serve as useful measure of a government's net <br />resources available for spending at the end of the fiscal year. <br />At the end of the current fiscal year, the City of Roseville's governmental funds reported <br />combined ending fund balances of $57,486,915. Approximately 42% of this total <br />amount - $24,090,214; constitutes unrestricted fund balance. The remainder of the fund <br />balance is restricted to indicate that it is not available for new spending because it is <br />legally restricted for; 1) various operating purposes - $2,044,165, 2) for tax increment <br />financing activities - $6,884,619, 3) bond funded capital improvements - $23,073,514, <br />and 4) debt service - $1,394,403. <br />The fund balances of governmental funds increased substantially due to the issuance of <br />$17 million in general obligation bonds in November, 2012. These bond proceeds will be <br />used to finance the construction of a new fire station and make various park <br />improvements. The funds will be expended in 2013 -2015. <br />The Economic Increments Construction Fund accounts for the activities in the City's Tax <br />Increment Financing (TIF) Districts. The Fund's balance increased by $1,682,157 <br />resulting from the continued collection of tax increment to repay TIF - related <br />infrastructure investments made in prior years. The entire fund balance of $6,884,619 is <br />restricted for TIF - related activities. <br />The Debt Service Fund decreased by $31,115 due to reduced assessment prepayments <br />compared to previous years. The planned use of cash reserves in the Fund was used to <br />pay a portion of the current year's debt payments. <br />The Revolving Improvements Fund increased $14,390,290 due primarily to the issuance <br />of $17 million in bonds noted above. <br />22 <br />