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Proprietary funds. The City of Roseville's proprietary funds provide the same type of <br />information found in the government -wide financial statements, but in more detail. <br />The unrestricted net position in the respective proprietary funds is Sewer - $1,756,148; <br />Water — ($52,342); Golf - $315,261; Recycling - $264,037 and Storm - $3,260,276. <br />Overall net position increased $959,761 reflecting positive cash flow from utility rate <br />increases which were designated for future capital replacements. <br />General Fund Budgetary Highlights <br />The General Fund balance increased by $353,697 in 2012, largely due to higher -than- <br />expected revenues. Expenditures were at expected levels. <br />Capital Asset and Debt Administration <br />Capital assets. The City of Roseville's investment in capital assets for its governmental <br />and business type activities as of December 31, 2012, amounts to $146,300,205 (net of <br />accumulated depreciation) — a 2% increase from the previous year. This investment in <br />capital assets includes land, buildings, infrastructure, machinery and equipment. <br />Major capital asset events during the current fiscal year included the following: <br />• Completion of approximately $3 million (of a total $9 million) in the construction <br />of a new fire station. <br />• Approximately $1 million in improvements to the City's utility systems <br />Land & easements <br />Buildings <br />Improvements other <br />Than buildings <br />Machinery & equipment <br />Infrastructure <br />Construction in progress <br />Total Capital Assets <br />City of Roseville's Capital Assets <br />(Net of Depreciation) <br />Governmental Governmental Business -Type Business -Type <br />Activities <br />Activities <br />Activities <br />Activities <br />Total <br />Total <br />2011 <br />2012 <br />2011 <br />2012 <br />2011 <br />2012 <br />$ 33,237,354 <br />$ 33,360,554 <br />$ 796,155 <br />$ 796,155 <br />$ 34,033,509 <br />$ 34,156,709 <br />17,44004 <br />19,879,610 <br />186,155 <br />136,825 <br />17,626,959 <br />20,016,435 <br />838,712 <br />2,57305 <br />447,646 <br />744,321 <br />1,286,358 <br />3,31806 <br />6,515,848 <br />5,922,791 <br />833,746 <br />878,579 <br />7,349,594 <br />6,801,370 <br />57,869,942 <br />59,091,016 <br />15,517,161 <br />16,745,145 <br />73,387,103 <br />75,836,161 <br />703,404 <br />5,228,453 <br />1,712,296 <br />943,067 <br />9,515,700 <br />6,171,520 <br />$123,706,064 $126,056,109 $ 19,493,159 $ 20,244,092 $143,199,223 $146,300,201 <br />Additional information on the City of Roseville's capital assets can be found in Note 1 -D <br />on page 45 -47 of this report, and Note 4 -C on page 55 -57. <br />23 <br />