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<br />criteria for legislative and congressional redistricting and <br /> <br />directing oral arquaent on other reserved criteria. <br />12. After the parties' arquaents on the reserved criteria, <br /> <br />the panel issued Pretrial Order No. 3 on September 13, 1991, <br />adopting the final criteria for congressional and legislative <br />redistricting. The criteria for leqislative redistrictinq are as <br /> <br />follows: <br />1. The Senate lIU.t be compo.ed of 67 .-ber.. The Rou.e of <br />Repre.entative. au.t be compo.ed of 134 ...-ber.. <br />2. Each di.trict i. entitled to elect a .ingle member. <br />3. A repre.entative di.trict aay not be divided in the foraation of a <br />Senate di.trict. <br />4. The di.trict. auat be .ub.tantially equal in population. The <br />population of a di.trict auat not deviate from the ideal by more than two <br />percent. Becau.e a court-ordered reapportionment plan mu.t conform to a <br />higher .tandard of population equality than a legi.lative reapportionment <br />plan, de minimi. deviation from the population norm will be the goal for <br />establi.hing di.trict.. ... Chanman, 420 u.S. 1, 95 S. ct. 7511 Connor, <br />431 u.S. 407, 97 S. ct. 1828. <br />5. The di.trict. mu.t be compoaed of convenient contiguou. territory <br />structured into compact unit.. Contiguity by water i. .ufficient if the <br />water is not a .eriou. ob.tacle to travel within the district. <br />6. The district. muat be numbered in a regular .erie., beginning with <br />House di.trict 1A in the corner of the .tate and proceeding <br />across the .tate from weat to ea.t, north to .outh, but bypa.sing the <br />seven-county metropolitan area until the .outhea.t corner ha. been <br />reached; then to the .even-county metropolitan area outside the citie. of <br />Minneapolis and St. Paul; then in Minneapolia and St. Paul. <br />7. The district. mu.t not dilute the voting .trength of racial or <br />language minority population.. Where a concentration of a racial or <br /> <br />-5- <br />