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<br />language .inori~y makes it possible, ~he cSistric~s must increa.. ~he <br />probabili~y ~ha~ .-bers of ~he minori~y will be el~ed. Ally plan <br />adopted by ~he court shall coaaply wi~h ~he applicable provisiou of ~he <br />Federal v~ing Jligh~s Ac~, 42 u.s.c. S 1971, et: sea. <br />8. The dis~ricts will be drawn wi~h a~~en~ion ~o county, ci~y and <br />~OWI'lship boundaries. A coun~y, ci~y, or ~OWI'lship will no~ be divided into <br />more ~han one dis~rict except .s necessary ~o _~' equal popula~ion <br />requir_n~s or ~o fora dis~ricts. ~~ are composed of convenien~, <br />contiguous and compact terri~ory. When any county, city or ~OWI'lship must: <br />be divided in~o one or more dis~ricts, i~ will be divided in~o as few <br />dis~ric~s as prac~icable. Ravnolds v. Sims, 377 u.S. 533, 578-79, 84 <br />S. ct. 1362, 1390-91 (1964), SWaftft v. Adams, 385 u.S. 440, 444, 87 S. ct. <br />569, 572 (1967). <br />9. The dis~ric~s should at~empt ~o Preserve communi~ies of in~eres~ when <br />~ha~ can be done in coaapliance wi~h ~he preceding standards. The panel <br />may recognize a community's character as urban, suburban or rural. .Ia <br /> <br />Skolnick v. St:at:e Blect:oral ad. of Ill., 336 1'. Supp. 839 (N.D. Ill. <br /> <br />1971), LaCnmh v. Growe, 541 1'. Supp. 145 (D. Hia. 1982), LaComb v. Growe, <br />541 1'. Supp. 160 (D. Hia. 1982)1 Maryland Cit:izens CoIIlIIl. for Pair <br /> <br />Conar.ssional Redist:rict:ina. Inc. v. Tawes, 253 1'. Supp. 731 (D. Md. <br /> <br />19661, aff'd' sub. nom. Alt:on v. Taves, 384 u.S. 315, 86 S. ct. 1590 <br />(1966) . Additional COlllDuni~ies of in~eres~ shall be considered if <br />persuasively est:ablished and 1'lO~ in viola~ion of applicable case law. <br />10. Pas~ voting behavior and residency of incumben~s shall no~ be used <br />as criteria, however, they may be used to evaluate the fairness of plans <br />sul:lmit:t:ed to t:he court. <br /> <br />13. Subsequently, the panel adopted an additional criterion <br />that all submitted plans should be based on Chapter 246. <br />Defendant-intervenors, joined by other parties, urqed the panel to <br /> <br />adopt, <br /> <br />as a criterion, <br /> <br />certain "curative amendments" to <br /> <br />-6- <br />