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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,January 06, 2014 <br /> Page 11 <br /> Mayor Roe noted that neither body acted as a super majority regarding ethics <br /> complaints, but using a simple majority approach, the City Council needed to <br /> weigh the decision, and in a democratic process, be subject to any political conse- <br /> quences. Mayor Roe expressed his interest in hearing further deliberations and <br /> recommendations from the Ethics Commission. <br /> Vice Chair Lehman thanked Councilmembers for their input, opining that it <br /> helped the Commission out considerably. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte thanked the Commission; noting that during her and <br /> Councilmember McGehee's Subcommittee work on citizen advisory commis- <br /> sions, they had found few communities having Ethics Commissions. <br /> Councilmember McGehee concurred with those thanks; opining that this was an <br /> important commission; and expressed her personal appreciation of the Ethics tips <br /> and training provided; as well as the commitment of citizens to keep local gov- <br /> ernment ethical. <br /> 11. Public Hearings <br /> 12. Budget Items <br /> 13. Business Items (Action Items) <br /> a. Designate 2014 Acting Mayor <br /> Mayor Roe briefly reviewed Minnesota State Statute 412.121 requiring designa- <br /> tion of an Acting Mayor from among Councilmembers, along with the City's or- <br /> dinance. In that context Councilmember Willmus recommended appointment of <br /> Councilmember Laliberte in fulfilling that role if she was willing to do so. <br /> Given her current schedule, Councilmember Laliberte expressed her ability in ful- <br /> filling that role and her willingness to serve. <br /> Willmus moved, Etten seconded, designation of Councilmember Laliberte as the <br /> 2014 Acting Mayor. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Laliberte; McGehee; Willmus; Etten; and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br /> b. Consider Citizen Advisory Commission Reappointments <br /> Mayor Roe briefly reviewed the RCA and City Council policy, noting those cur- <br /> rent commissioners who are eligible for reappointment and willing to be reap- <br /> pointed <br />