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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, January 06, 2014 <br /> Page 29 <br /> with the City's Finance Director at an Advisory Commission level, helping to vet <br /> policies and priorities as they come to the City Council for ultimate action. <br /> Councilmember Willmus spoke in support of a Finance Advisory Commission. <br /> Councilmember Etten concurred with the recommendations of Councilmembers <br /> Laliberte and Willmus; opining that it provided a great way to bring more ideas <br /> into the budget process and make it more open, including ways to make budget <br /> documents more user-friendly for the public and allow them to understand and di- <br /> gest the information and see where their tax dollars were going. While recogniz- <br /> ing that someone with professional experience may be a wise addition to the advi- <br /> sory commission, Councilmember Etten questioned if that should be a require- <br /> ment for membership, even though someone with those credentials would be a <br /> tremendous asset. <br /> Councilmember Willmus clarified that his intent was not for all members to have <br /> that background, but at least having a minority with that expertise would prove <br /> advantageous. <br /> Councilmember Etten cautioned that it may put the City Council in a corner with <br /> too few applicants if that were a requirement, while recognizing that those having <br /> such credentials could certainly receive additional considerations as applicants <br /> came forward. <br /> Councilmember McGehee concurred that it may become a non-useful advisory <br /> commission without some financial professionalism; and suggested that their <br /> charter include vetting any future developments coming before the City; specifi- <br /> cally how it impacts the City's tax structure going forward. <br /> Mayor Roe suggested starting with small, but not baby steps, and begins with an <br /> ad-hoc committee to initially look at documentation, prioritization and the process <br /> and make a recommendation to the City Council. If they feel there is a need to <br /> recommend a standalone advisory commission for Finance, they could make that <br /> recommendation to the City Council. However, if it was a simple solution to get <br /> the processes right, Mayor Roe opined that there would be nothing left for them to <br /> do. Mayor Roe also expressed his concern with timing issues if development pro- <br /> jects were vetted through a advisory commission, and would need to further con- <br /> sider that as part of the charge. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte sought consensus on the number of members, noting <br /> that most state boards required someone included that had some financial creden- <br /> tials. <br /> Mayor Roe noted language could also provide some flexibility, such as "shall" <br /> versus "should," noting the additional perspective needed for private versus pub- <br /> lic financing. <br />