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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
1/28/2014 3:26:45 PM
Creation date
1/28/2014 3:21:08 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,January 13, 2014 <br /> Page 11 <br /> Regarding geotechnical issues and the current pond on site, Mr. Nordland noted <br /> that the pond had been filled with unsuitable soils from the site; and otherwise <br /> would not likely have been deemed environmentally contaminated. Depending <br /> on the extent of that contamination, Mr. Nordland noted that the development <br /> team may need to consider a geo-pier type of piling system with vapors rerouted <br /> versus typical piles driven through the bedrock. If that was a requirement, in ad- <br /> dition to making the building aesthetically pleasing for the City and the tenant for <br /> their world headquarters facility, Mr. Nordland anticipated an additional $1 mil- <br /> lion for extraordinary site costs. Mr. Nordland advised that the lease term was <br /> proposed at 12-15 years; and noted the development team's interest in making it <br /> look as nice s possible in order to remain competitive with other possible sites and <br /> eventually be chosen for the preferred site. <br /> Mr. Nordland again apologized for not being able to provide more information at <br /> this point; however, he displayed a proposed development site plan, and sought <br /> City Council initial feedback at this point. Mr. Nordland advised that the tenant <br /> had been provided with more detailed renderings; however, he had chosen not to <br /> share them with the City Council at this point to avoid those current more fluid <br /> specifics remaining embedded in thought processes. <br /> City Council Discussion <br /> At the request of Councilmember Willmus expressing typical familiarity with <br /> medical device manufactures currently in the metropolitan area, Mr. Nordland <br /> confirmed that the building was proposed to be built to suit the tenant. Given the <br /> required timeline for the process, Councilmember Willmus questioned when the <br /> tenant would be made known. Mr. Nordland advised that, as soon as the tenant <br /> made their choice for site and direction known, that information would be made <br /> public, and anticipated it would occur within the next two weeks. <br /> Councilmember Willmus opined that this was the type of development preferred <br /> in this area; and offered his willingness to consider some form of financial assis- <br /> tance in helping it happen. Councilmember Willmus advised that his concerns in- <br /> cluded the shorter lease longevity for that particular tenant in the context of those <br /> financial assistance considerations. Councilmember Willmus advised that a long- <br /> er lease term would make him much more comfortable. <br /> Mr. Nordland advised that the company was publically traded, and not a new ven- <br /> ture; and was in fairly rapid growth mode right now, and very well funded. Mr. <br /> Nordland noted that Councilmembers would need to make that financial judgment <br /> when the identity of the company was revealed. <br /> Having done and reviewed EAW's, Councilmember McGehee stated that initially <br /> she had wanted to avoid any precedent of waiving that requirement. Relative to <br /> this specific site, as well as others in the Twin Lakes Redevelopment Area, Coun- <br />
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