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City Council Meeting Minutes
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1/28/2014 3:26:45 PM
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1/28/2014 3:21:08 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,January 13, 2014 <br /> Page 12 <br /> cilmember McGehee noted that her main concern was the presence of TCE. <br /> However, with the development team already considering that situation and po- <br /> tential venting of the building, Councilmember McGehee sought additional input <br /> from Mr. Nordland on their proposal to identify the level of TCE evident on this <br /> site. Councilmember McGehee opined that the City had been remiss in not char- <br /> acterizing the site and monitoring wells as fully as it should have; and opined that <br /> she also had other EAW concerns not relevant to this application, but causing her <br /> considerable concerns. <br /> Mr. Nordland referenced the reports done to-date, with the most recent one dated <br /> 2007; and advised that the MPCA updates required for Phase I and additional test- <br /> ing for Phase II for groundwater and soil, and soil vapor testing required by the <br /> MPCA's VIC program should provide that information. Mr. Nordland noted that <br /> TCE concerns had become a much larger issue recently with the EPA, based on <br /> the likelihood that they have greater impact on human health than indicated in the <br /> past. Mr. Nordland noted that the development team's environmental and overall <br /> work plan would need approval by the MPCA, including a Response Action Plan <br /> (RAP); and the team already assumed venting under the building with any im- <br /> pacts removed on site. To-date, Mr. Nordland advised that nothing had been <br /> found; and while this was beyond his expertise and needed reliance on their envi- <br /> ronmental and site consultants and engineers, he advised that if needed, those <br /> soils and contaminants would be removed. Mr. Nordland noted that a contingen- <br /> cy plan would be in place as and if things are found during the construction pro- <br /> cess; and included on-site and/or off-site groundwater issues and identification of <br /> any off-sit sources impacting the subject parcel, its location and what the MPCA <br /> directs to resolve those issues. Mr. Nordland advised that the VIC under MPCA <br /> regulations provided that developers were not responsible for existing pollution, <br /> but responsible for mediating a Brownfield site; with the developer paying for <br /> MPCA staff to review reports. Mr. Nordland noted that the MPCA already had a <br /> file on this parcel, consisting of past reports; and had assigned a project manager <br /> to review Phase I and Phase II work plans. Mr. Nordland noted that the develop- <br /> ment team's work plan would be under guidelines from the MPCA and any levels <br /> of testing they required, as well as soil borings and groundwater testing. <br /> At the request of Councilmember McGehee, Mr. Nordland advised that the VIC <br /> commitment would guarantee clean up of the parcel to an industrial versus resi- <br /> dential standard; typical for most commercial developments. <br /> At the request of Councilmember McGehee, Mr. Nordland further advised that <br /> the MPCA required those reports be turned over to the MPCA, at which point <br /> they became public information. Mr. Nordland offered to provide a copy to the <br /> City of Roseville, beyond their access to the public MPCA copies, if so directed, <br /> even though they are available to anyone at the MPCA level. <br />
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