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City Council Meeting Minutes
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4/24/2014 1:22:23 PM
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3/26/2014 1:35:01 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Special City Council Meeting <br /> Thursday, February 20,2014 <br /> Page 13 <br /> Councilmember McGehee noted the problems with the land in Twin Lakes <br /> pollution, noting that the rationale provided by CSI was that the City's land option <br /> was not "shovel ready" since the land hadn't been cleansed up et and <br /> was not owned by the City, Councilmember McGehee questioned s <br /> p Y . Since the land <br /> whether it made sense to be more proactive in collaborating with property r Regan on as owners to <br /> and assisting them with clean up for the types of projects he referenced. wners <br /> Mr. Regan responded that it always paid to be as ready as possible to respond <br /> opportunities, making sites where due diligence had been done much more inter- <br /> esting (e.g. buildings demolished, MPCA clean-up programs, <br /> As an example, Mr. Regan noted that collaborative efforts by the City and proper- <br /> ty P p grams, etc.), all beneficial. <br /> ty owner on the PIK site; and while some seemed baby steps, they all represented <br /> progress in the right p per- <br /> ght direction. From their personal perspective on their property, <br /> Mr. Regan noted that.Roseville was always in high demand from trucking <br /> com- <br /> panies and "dirty" industrial users, keeping all of their buildings full. Therefore, <br /> Mr. Regan advised that they would not consider taking steps now to coed <br /> clean-up until an application was completed submitted and formally d <br /> demolish and <br /> with a redevelopment plan in place and signed Y appregen <br /> noted the reality of needing the income to g ed leases with tenants. Mr. Regan <br /> until the right opportunity became apparent pay o move forward d with redevelopment, <br /> velo expenses <br /> which they were anxious to see. p nt, <br /> City Council Discussion followin Public Comment <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, Mr. Paschke outlined the message received from <br /> attorney representing the AirMark parcel, responding that they were very ha <br /> with and accepting of the flexibility being an <br /> with a similar response received from the property to the the managed happy <br /> Traveler's Insurance or Transwestern) including support and managed by <br /> current HDR-1 as now guided to allow other opportunities that emay bversus the <br /> ap- <br /> propriate and applicable to the former Aramark building, which was currently <br /> Y <br /> Mr. Paschke further reported his phone conversation with Ms. Nanette Pikofsky her property in this area; and while not having all the information being <br /> presented tonight, her concern was that she not lose anything she already Y <br /> the location in the current CMU District allowing multiple uses with few had with <br /> non Y h- <br /> non- <br /> permitted uses. From her perspective, Mr. Paschke advised that she was very in- <br /> terested in retaining that flexibility; and while she was unable to attend tonight's <br /> meeting, Mr. Paschke indicated that this involved not restricting retail or o her <br /> more impactful or less desirable uses adjacent to the park. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon spoke in support of seeking input from market experts, either bro- <br /> kers or market research groups, in addition to community and property owner in- <br /> put. Mr. Trudgeon opined that such information was probably missing in the dis- <br />
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