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Special City Council Meeting <br /> Thursday, February 20,2014 <br /> Page 3 <br /> continuity; with the only change to the City Council's original subdistrict map <br /> discussion, allowing for more discussion on uses and achieving that continuity. <br /> Mayor Roe noted the northern part of the "L" had been talked about in the same <br /> context, however, with this latest modification it now was in a different subdis- <br /> trict, and suggested it be looked at further west of the PIK property between Mt. <br /> Ridge Road and Cleveland Avenue, creating a contiguous area. <br /> At the request of Mr. Trudgeon, Mr. Paschke reviewed staff's thoughts in looking <br /> at the area different and why a separation was needed from the properties farther <br /> south. Mr. Paschke referenced the proposed CSI proposal, and review of previous <br /> discussions and potential future redevelopment of that site and best use, keeping <br /> the focus on office versus other types of use. From a planning/redevelopment <br /> perspective, Mr. Paschke opined that it would be a good parcel for office or resi- <br /> dential development as carved up with five Community Mixed Use (CMU) Dis- <br /> tricts. <br /> From a City Council perspective, Mayor Roe sought comment on staff's revisions <br /> versus those lines previously drawn. <br /> Councilmember Willmus expressed his curiosity to hear from property owners <br /> about this direction, since they are a key component of any changes made, opin- <br /> ing that it would be beneficial to get their input at the onset rather than further <br /> down the road. Councilmember Willmus also expressed interest in getting into <br /> policy discussions to determine where things were moving in the future, as sug- <br /> gested by Councilmember McGehee. Councilmember Willmus opined that, once <br /> that was in place, other things may follow suit. <br /> Mayor Roe opined that it was certainly the intent to hear from property owners <br /> and developers not too far into the process and have them join the process. How- <br /> ever, Mayor Roe expressed his preference to have the City Council discussion as <br /> a body to confirm their intentions based on previous discussion and where the <br /> lines are drawn, as well as staff's minor revisions. <br /> Councilmember McGehee noted that the changes were minimal: only north of <br /> Twin Lakes Parkway in the purpose area; and expressed her concurrence with <br /> staff's suggested revisions. <br /> Mayor Roe clarified the two revisions: the zone west of Langton Lake now no <br /> longer extended south of Twin Lakes Parkway, and the southeast corner joined <br /> the same zone to the west and northern part of the "L" between Cleveland Ave- <br /> nue and Mt. Ridge Road,becoming the same subdistrict type. <br />