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Special City Council Meeting <br /> Thursday,February 20, 2014 <br /> Page 4 <br /> Councilmember McGehee noted that a number of uses in that area were not that <br /> old, and were reasonable-looking structures and similar to the preferred develop- <br /> ment; and stated that she had no problem with that. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte agreed that the City Council was very intentional in <br /> previous discussions; however, she didn't think things were set in stone. Coun- <br /> cilmember Laliberte echoed Councilmember Willmus' comments that prior to <br /> locking anything in place, she wanted to hear from the property owners, since the <br /> City didn't own anything to justify moving them around. Councilmember <br /> Laliberte stated that she was not opposed to staff's revision to the City Council's <br /> original lines,but remained open at this point. <br /> After the previous meeting, Councilmember Etten stated that he thought the best <br /> course of action would be to make the zones more general to group them together <br /> if possible. If a great development came forward, Councilmember Etten opined <br /> that his concern was in the green and orange areas along Cleveland Avenue and <br /> that a development may be different than the staff proposal as a permitted or con- <br /> ditional use (e.g. day care center). Councilmember Etten questioned why one was <br /> a permitted use across Iona on Cleveland and not in the other area. Councilmem- <br /> ber Etten opined that he didn't want as much distinction, but preferred to open <br /> things up and allow more uses to allow potential development to work, by allow- <br /> ing more flexibility. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that, at the last discussion, it was recognized that with a broad <br /> view, a lot of things were permitted uses in subdistricts, with only a few distinc- <br /> tions in some subdistricts (e.g. use and scale); with two parts involved in zoning: <br /> what's existing or the future vision. In this case, Mayor Roe opined that with a <br /> potential for new uses as the property owner desired, there was a need to balance <br /> community preferences as well as part of that process. Mayor Roe concurred that <br /> it would be good to hear from property owners and developers in tonight's audi- <br /> ence; opining that it may be found that a lot of it actually blends together well, <br /> with perhaps only more or less intense subdistricts as the ultimate outcome. <br /> However, Mayor Roe opined that some uses did not make sense in some areas for <br /> various reasons. Mayor Roe noted that the City currently had a very specific use <br /> list and it only made sense to get feedback before discussion of the table and per- <br /> mitted uses. <br /> Mr. Paschke opined that there was actually a distinct different in the map, with the <br /> purple area north of Terrace Drive currently High Density Residential (HDR) <br /> changing to CMU and adding a number of permitted uses that may be applicable <br /> or complementary to those areas previously supported by property owners or <br /> managers having already reviewed the information and made contact with City <br /> staff, and expressing their appreciation for the greater flexibility beyond HDR-1, <br /> opining the door for them to pursue something different for those properties. <br />