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Special City Council Meeting <br /> Thursday, February 20,2014 <br /> Page 6 <br /> all areas based on density, noting that this was the result of discussions held most <br /> recently. While reiterating his willingness to hear from property owners, Mayor <br /> Roe clarified that this was the direction given to staff, and to label things as office <br /> or limited use would be too narrow, specifically in the area immediately adjacent <br /> to the park, single-family residences, and the freeway. Mayor Roe sought con- <br /> sensus if that was still the preference and direction to pursue. <br /> Councilmember McGehee spoke in support of that route, since the City didn't <br /> own the property. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that the City owned little land in Roseville, however, it was still <br /> able to zone it effectively. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon noted that the CMU District was wide open now; and if the Council <br /> preference was to have points of emphasis to drive development in certain areas, <br /> the idea of the subdistrict would serve that purpose. However, Mr. Trudgeon fur- <br /> ther noted that, if too many things remained permitted uses, there was no guaran- <br /> tee other things wouldn't occur. If the intent was to develop residential uses <br /> around Langton Lake Park, Mr. Trudgeon opined that the City Council needed to <br /> clearly state that; but could not have it both ways: flexible versus what it didn't <br /> want, creating a challenge to drive the properties to certain uses that make sense <br /> while not being able to guarantee is and zone appropriately. <br /> Mayor Roe opined that he wasn't sure if the intent should be to emphasize resi- <br /> dential at the exclusion of other uses rather than just to ensure those permitted us- <br /> es remained compatible with adjacent properties. Mayor Roe noted that the list of <br /> what was not desired as a permitted use created a much shorter list. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte noted the desire to manage traffic patterns and vehicle <br /> types along with certain access points as well. <br /> Councilmember McGehee suggested the need to discuss retail and revise previous <br /> definitions and recommendation of a previous City Attorney to clear up any con- <br /> fusion about the three types currently in Community Business and Regional Busi- <br /> ness Districts. Councilmember McGehee noted the 20,000 square foot delinea- <br /> tion suggested by staff got closer to that preference. <br /> Mayor Roe invited property owners to come forward. <br /> Mr. Paschke noted that property owners would speak to their particular parcels <br /> and interests versus the broader area being discussed for map focus. <br /> Public Comment <br /> Mark Rancone, Roseville Properties <br />