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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Special City Council Meeting <br /> Thursday, February 20,2014 <br /> Page 7 <br /> Mr. Rancone clarified that his firm owned a small, approximately 6-acre parcel at <br /> 2720 Fairview Avenue located in the orange area on the map. Mr. Rancone also <br /> noted their firm's unique experience of having been a part of this area for a long <br /> time; opining that this appeared to be just the next step in another re-evaluation of <br /> what should be done in Twin Lakes. <br /> Based on general comments, Mr. Rancone opined that it may be more prudent to <br /> first reflect on the process followed over the last twenty years and why this high <br /> profile area of land has remained as is for so long without redeveloping. While <br /> everyone had their own opinions, Mr. Rancone referenced comments made earlier <br /> that the City Council's desire is to reflect the wishes of the community. However, <br /> Mr. Rancone opined that often commercial property owners were not treated as <br /> part of the community, with residents holding much more weight and commercial <br /> property owners looked at as second class citizens, when the contribution of those <br /> properties to the City was very significant. Mr. Rancone referenced his experi- <br /> ences in the City of West St. Paul as an example of their encouragement to retail <br /> businesses to help cushion costs for every resident. Even though a resident may <br /> not want more retail, or not desiring another "big box" retailer (e.g. Wal-Mart) or <br /> other retailer in the orange map area, Mr. Rancone opined that it is what it is and <br /> that's what America wants and that's what Roseville is, not North Oaks, its Rose- <br /> ville. In today's newspaper, Mr. Rancone referenced population predictions of <br /> 4,000 more in population growth than current; this all in a landlocked suburb hav- <br /> ing potential with this property. <br /> Mr. Rancone opined that every four years a new City Council came up with a new <br /> ideas; and he and the development community were finding it tiring as they'd <br /> been down this road so many times before, yet the land was still underperforming. <br /> Therefore, Mr. Rancone reiterated his suggestion that the City Council do some <br /> self-examination; as many developers were no longer interested in dealing with <br /> Roseville, because the public perception isn't worth tackling. Mr. Rancone noted <br /> the potential in the past when Costco was looking to locate in Roseville, including <br /> a mixed housing unit — everything the Council now is seeking spent and frustration on everyone's part. Mr. Rancone g suggested that tthe <br /> economics of how retail benefitted a neighborhood with little impact to adjacent <br /> neighbors needed to be clearly understood, and could provide a lot of money for <br /> the City and School District. <br /> Mr. Rancone opined that residential apartment developers should be wanting to <br /> develop around Langton Lake; however, they weren't coming forward; and while <br /> he didn't claim to be an expert on what market research may indicate would best <br /> fit there today, he didn't' think anyone at the table was an expert either. There- <br /> fore, Mr. Rancone suggested that the City seek expert advice on what could locate <br /> in this area and how to market it to the community to draw interest, rather than <br /> simply saying "no" to this and that; to change the mindset of the community to <br /> look at Roseville and creative incentives to get what it wanted. <br />
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