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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
3/27/2014 2:27:11 PM
Creation date
3/27/2014 2:25:27 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 3, 2014 <br /> Page 14 <br /> Mr. Buelow addressed one other remaining concern for neighbors, especially the <br /> concern of the neighbor on Lovell Avenue, as well as the community and all par- <br /> ties, was the driveway location at the lot line setback 10.5 feet at the front and re- <br /> duced to 7 feet in the back, approximately three times more than the code setback <br /> allows. Mr. Buelow advised that extensive consideration was given to that con- <br /> cern, with current proposals to install a privacy fence along that lot line and along <br /> the rear lot line to provide screening while still allowing for snow storage. Mr. <br /> Buelow further noted that the GMHC was working with five different engineers <br /> to look at the drainage situation for the overall project and specific areas; and also <br /> noted that the project sat within two watershed districts who will also weigh in an <br /> final plans. Mr. Buelow advised that soil borings had been completed and proved <br /> very favorable with great soil conditions indicated. <br /> Chair Maschka advised that the project — in concept stage — will go before the <br /> Planning Commission for public hearing on Wednesday, March 5, 2014 at 6:30 <br /> p.m. <br /> At the request of City Manager Trudgeon, Mr. Buelow addressed the reason for <br /> the loss of a unit on Cope Avenue, based on a thirty-foot (30') sewer easement; <br /> with options to put two very skinny units on the west; and final decision to pursue <br /> another option to put one nice, single family home there. Mr. Buelow advised <br /> that the home would look similar to the townhomes and be in the same associa- <br /> tion,providing a consistent look on the street front. <br /> Councilmember Etten questioned the alleyway entrances, especially on Lovell on <br /> the west side, and spacing of eighteen feet (18') on the south side of Cope Ave- <br /> nue. Mr. Buelow responded that the 18' was felt to accommodate two vehicles <br /> meeting and passing in the alleyway; with snow removal and storage being engi- <br /> neered to accommodate those issues as well, but still under review by engineers. <br /> Ms. Spencer note that additional snow storage was proposed if necessary for <br /> common areas and other drainage areas (e.g. rain gardens). <br /> At the request of Councilmember Etten based on elevations with existing homes <br /> on the back side of Cope Avenue and potential drainage issues; Mr. Buelow ad- <br /> vised that the site was almost perfectly flat. However, Mr. Buelow confirmed that <br /> the project could not allow any more water to leave the site than currently did; <br /> and note that this would all being carefully engineered to avoid creating any prob- <br /> lems for the neighbors or the project site itself Mr. Buelow concurred that drain- <br /> age was a critical issue, and options to collect waters in this sandy soil area were <br /> being investigated, with engineers having the final determination on those mitiga- <br /> tion efforts. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Laliberte, Mr. Buelow reiterated proposed park- <br /> ing for the single-family townhomes on Cope Avenue, with each having a two-car <br /> garage and space for an additional two cars parked in front of the garage. <br />
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