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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 3,2014 <br /> Page 19 <br /> At the request of Ms. Harris, Mayor Roe confirmed that a traffic pre-study had yet <br /> to be done; and anticipated that it would be part of the development agreement, <br /> after the land use approval phase later this week had been completed, but before <br /> the next phase at the City Council level, and would be part of the public notice <br /> process itself. At the request of Ms. Harris, Mayor Roe confirmed that it would <br /> not be part of Wednesday night's actions. <br /> At the request of Ms. Harris, Mayor Roe clarified that the City periodically and <br /> continuously performed post-development traffic analyses, not necessarily sepa- <br /> rate studies, to determine if operations were as indicated and remained accurate. <br /> At the request of Ms. Harris, Mayor Roe advised that the original traffic studies <br /> were initially part of the development costs; with general traffic studies or anal- <br /> yses part of doing business in the community and costs were borne by all taxpay- <br /> ers in the course of general business operations. <br /> Mayor Roe thanked residents for their comments; and reminded them and the lis- <br /> tening audience of the Planning Commissions' formal public hearing. <br /> 11. Public Hearings <br /> 12. Budget Items <br /> Recess <br /> Mayor Roe recessed the meeting at approximately 7:55 p.m. and reconvened at approximately <br /> 8:05 p.m. <br /> 13. Business Items (Action Items) <br /> a. Consider Amending Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Districts #10 and 12 <br /> Plans to Assist the Dale Fire Station Redevelopment <br /> City Manager Trudgeon summarized the request as detailed in the RCA dated <br /> March 3, 2014; and existing balances. Mr. Trudgeon noted that the districts were <br /> old enough to allow pooling of remaining funds throughout the City for other <br /> public purposes involving housing and employment; however, he noted that both <br /> districts were originally created to support housing efforts. Mr. Trudgeon clari- <br /> fied that granting this request for amendment would not bind the City to expend <br /> the funds, but would provide flexibility as a development agreement was formu- <br /> lated and for future adjustments as the draft performa in tonight's packet was fur- <br /> ther refined and identified the final amount needed to facilitate gap financing. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon advised that part of the idea for addressing the gap would be to re- <br /> fund the City and HRA for purchase of the Dale Street property and to reduce the <br /> deficit on the new fire station. Mr. Trudgeon advised that the developer would <br /> pay for land purchase back to the City; and in the case of the HRA, to recycle <br /> those funds back into their budget, and for the City toward the fire station con- <br /> struction or for any other purpose chosen by the City Council. <br />