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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,March 3, 2014 <br /> Page 2 <br /> formation was available at their website: or by calling <br /> 651/792-7515. <br /> Mayor Roe noted the 7th annual display at City Hall of quilts and wall hangings by the <br /> Minnesota Contemporary Quilters Group, on display through mid-April 2014; and avail- <br /> able for viewing during normal City Hall office hours. <br /> Mayor Roe announced new communication opportunities for the City of Roseville on Fa- <br /> cebook and Twitter, at "Like @rosevillemn; via a link from the City's website, or by call- <br /> ing Carolyn Curti at City Hall at 792-7026. <br /> Councilmember McGehee urged those residents having contacted her about their munici- <br /> pal water supply to contact their local legislators. At this time, Councilmember McGehee <br /> advised that there is no applicable Minnesota State Statute providing any protection for a <br /> resident in a community to have a continuous and uninterrupted supply of water/sewer <br /> services. Councilmember McGehee opined that this is a problem across the state and fur- <br /> ther opined that legislators should fix that to guarantee the privilege and right for munici- <br /> palities to provide further protections for water and sewer services. While recognizing <br /> that the Roseville City Council and City staff had provided some services, Councilmem- <br /> ber McGehee opined that this was an important issues and cities could do much better <br /> without, in her opinion, incurring liability. Since the Roseville City Council majority had <br /> made the choice to provide minimal service, Councilmember McGehee apologized for <br /> those residents suffering. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte provided a brief update on her recent attendance at the Ramsey <br /> County League of Local Governments (RCLLG) held on February 26, 2014, consisting <br /> of the regular board meeting followed by a question and answer session with those thir- <br /> teen (13) legislative representatives from the Ramsey County area that were in attend- <br /> ance. Councilmember Laliberte reported that topics discussed were similar to those of <br /> the previous Roseville City Council meeting when legislators had attended; in addition to <br /> e-cigarette ordinances from city to city and potential legislative action, with a bill written <br /> by Rep. Kahn currently stalled. Councilmember Laliberte further reported that more had <br /> been heard about the sales tax exemption for cities, and advised that it sounded as if they <br /> were planning to present language on joint powers agreements, further defining when and <br /> how applied with the exception being where those services competed with private com- <br /> mercial businesses, and not pertaining to municipal retail liquor stores. <br /> 5. Recognitions, Donations and Communications <br /> 6. Approve Minutes <br /> 7. Approve Consent Agenda <br /> There were no additional changes to the Consent Agenda than those previously noted. At <br /> the request of Mayor Roe, City Manager Patrick Trudgeon briefly reviewed those items <br /> being considered under the Consent Agenda. <br />