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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 3, 2014 <br /> Page 25 <br /> opportunity for direct dialogue at the table. Mr. Trudgeon advised that he saw <br /> that in addition to the meetings they'd have on their own. <br /> Councilmember Etten expressed interest in getting them involved; and making it <br /> flexible enough to recognize what needs to happen and approximately when to get <br /> the budget business done. In referencing the RCA and staff seeking the City <br /> Council's comfort level in how things are reported, Councilmember Etten noted <br /> that many found budget documents confusion; and asked that discussion remain <br /> open to seek recommendation from the Finance Commission in how to make the <br /> documents easier to understand without needing a CPA license. Councilmember <br /> Etten opined that the method for showing information should remain open as a <br /> goal for the Finance Commission to determine and make recommendation; and to <br /> go from several different reports in varying formats to a single document to pre- <br /> sent to the community for easier understanding. <br /> Councilmember Etten further noted a reduction in the number of budget-related <br /> meetings from last year, and questioned whether separate Work Sessions were re- <br /> quired for June and August, since there were already three regular City Council <br /> meetings scheduled, and whether space could be created at those meetings for <br /> budget discussions to consolidate the current schedule and still get other business <br /> done. Councilmember Etten opined that, by taking budget discussions out of elev- <br /> en other meetings, it should free up some of that business time, and may make <br /> sense to add those discussions to other meetings. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon responded that it would be done at the expense of other items; and <br /> would require great discipline in not adding things to the budget meetings. Mr. <br /> Trudgeon noted that it wouldn't matter to him or Finance Director Miller as they <br /> would be attending the meetings regardless. <br /> Mayor Roe opined that it may make some sense to consider that option; and <br /> committed to dedicating an appropriate amount of time for budget discussions as <br /> agendas are developed. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon requested some flexibility, noting the difficulty in scheduling or re- <br /> scheduling during summer months to make sure key people are available. <br /> Councilmember Etten suggested date adjustments for June and August, with mid- <br /> dle meetings becoming budget meetings. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Laliberte, Finance Director Miller advised that <br /> the external audit was scheduled for presentation to the City Council on April 21, <br /> 2014; at which point more definitive decisions could be made. Councilmember <br /> Laliberte questioned if budget discussions were starting soon enough according to <br /> the proposed schedule, and providing the best information available. <br />