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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,March 3, 2014 <br /> Page 9 <br /> reach and liaison with them to determine what was appropriate, as well as how to <br /> expedite the building permit process and quality of life links. <br /> Chair Maschka advised that he had personally given a lot of thought to that, not- <br /> ing that when he first came to Roseville there was a strong local Chamber of <br /> Commerce, a lot of civic organizations, and locally-owned banks—most of which <br /> no longer exist, while leaving a need for connection. Again, noting that all of this <br /> new communication technology was available, but the connection was still miss- <br /> ing, Chair Maschka questioned how best to institutionalize those connections to <br /> create that same sense and feeling of the past. Chair Maschka opined that he saw <br /> the City's newly-created Civic Engagement Commission serving to facilitate that <br /> communication, noting that the former Jaycees civic organization was 100 plus <br /> members strong, and provided a great opportunity for his personal businesses; and <br /> those relationships continued even today. However, Chair Maschka questioned if <br /> government's role was to step in and institutionalize that networking opportunity. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that society has changed, including how we interact with each <br /> other, with companies often filling the role of the former Jaycees, recognizing the <br /> work of Affinity Credit Union and Comcast in encouraging their employees to <br /> participate in collective volunteer days. Mayor Roe suggested working with ex- <br /> isting Chambers of Commerce, who appear to be eager to serve as a resource, to <br /> help make those connections and networking opportunities. Mayor Roe recog- <br /> nized the existing "Grow Minnesota" database, which was fairly incomplete in <br /> listing Roseville businesses, and questioned if the City could help facilitate local <br /> businesses to tap into that networking database to make connections, rather than <br /> the City duplication those efforts. Mayor Roe suggested looking to the Chambers <br /> of Commerce and Roseville Business Council and alert businesses that those op- <br /> portunities are not necessarily restricted to members; and concurred that perhaps <br /> the City could facilitate that communication and provide opportunities to make <br /> businesses aware. Mayor Roe spoke in support of building upon existing oppor- <br /> tunities and ideas being implemented to address the new way of how people did <br /> business. <br /> Recognizing the number of those commuting thirty minutes or longer to work, <br /> Councilmember Willmus questioned if that was consistent with other communi- <br /> ties. Mr. Darger responded that he didn't have that information immediately <br /> available tonight, but based on his recollection of federal data, he didn't think it <br /> was inconsistent. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Willmus as to whether workers have an oppor- <br /> tunity for housing in Roseville, Mr. Darger noted theories from a decade ago, <br /> when the City of Eagan wanted to attract an executive class of workers, similar to <br /> that found in the City of Eden Prairie as an example; and actively attempted to do <br /> something about it. Mr. Darger advised that an assessment would need done on <br />