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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,March 3,2014 <br /> Page 8 <br /> cilitate those connections, or make businesses aware of those resources. Chair <br /> Maschka suggested developing a concept to consider and develop such a service. <br /> On page 17, Chair Maschka noted Item 1.9 and opined that, even though he found <br /> the permit process good now, apparently continual improvement was still needed <br /> to optimize that process. In Item 1.10, Chair Maschka suggested the City could <br /> connect businesses with resources and available options to help them navigate <br /> foreign trade opportunities. <br /> On Page 19, Chair Maschka opined that the HRA should facilitate versus creating <br /> or convening a networking group, (Items 2.2 and 2.3), opining that getting to the <br /> point of creating something may not be feasible, depending on if and how the <br /> City's Community Development Director (CDD) was positioned and their skill <br /> set and expertise as the City replaced City Manager Trudgeon, formerly holding <br /> that position. Chair Maschka noted the previous involvement with businesses and <br /> emphasis on economic development by former Community Development Director <br /> Welsch and his assistant, Kathy Bennett. Chair Maschka opined that it would be <br /> advantageous to have someone as the CDD who brought experience from a mu- <br /> nicipal perspective as well as that of the private sector. With the current potential <br /> for pending development and redevelopment occurring in the City, Chair Mas- <br /> chka opined that the City was in a good place to stimulate more development, es- <br /> pecially in the Twin Lakes Redevelopment Area, and to initiate some of these <br /> strategies. <br /> On a much less dramatic note than this report, Member Masche noted the success <br /> of and high compliance rate among businesses as reported at the last HRA meet- <br /> ing by Code Enforcement Officer Don Munson in the Neighborhood Enhance- <br /> ment Program (NEP) designed specifically for businesses and commercial proper- <br /> ties and performed in 2013. Member Masche opined that this appeared to indicate <br /> an appetite from the business community for a relationship with the City, with lit- <br /> tle dissatisfaction with the City asking them to bring their properties into compli- <br /> ance, even though some of those efforts were fairly expensive items and the <br /> HRA's first effort to create that relationship. <br /> On the housing side, Chair Maschka noted the opportunities available to encour- <br /> age workers to live and not only work in Roseville; and recognizing the interest <br /> needed in facilitating a connection that housing was an option for them as well. <br /> Chair Maschka suggested working with are realtors to get the word out to workers <br /> and let them know that Roseville was a great place for young people to start out. <br /> City Council Comments <br /> Councilmember McGehee spoke in support of capitalizing on the interest of the <br /> business community in linking with Roseville and with each other businesses; <br /> suggesting that a database should be created to be aware of them, and then out- <br />