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restricted because �ny fi iends are not treating rrne in the same way and are actir�g in an unfriendly manner. <br />Families like rt�zne aro�nnd the world are being treatec� unfairly just because someone in the family is <br />gay. IViy family has two gay parents, and they are oftern judged for being gay arid having a famyly, Some <br />people think that gay couples should not be able to have a family. These people are believing a"gay is <br />unhealthy" stereotype. T'hey think gay peop�e should not be allowed to have kids because it may make the <br />kids gay. '�'he stereotype sonnehow assuznes that 2 gay parents could noi possibly be as good as two <br />straight parents. I personally �ow this to be false. IVdy parents care deeply aboui my brother and I and are <br />very ]oving and sometirnes strict, jusf like other parents. In other words, our famx�y is pretty similar to.all <br />the other families in the neighborhood. We are similar even when we are unfairly teased. <br />, <br />Even though gay fayni�ies are very sirrtilar to other families they are often denied the s�me human <br />rights. For exampTe, �zntil this surr►rner, rrfly dads were not allowed to get married. This violates Article 16: <br />�ight to IVlarriage and F'amily fronrg the U1�I�. �t siates that evetyone has the right to marry and have a <br />family. Now that my dads are married, and federal laws have been changed by the Supreme Court, our <br />family is protected by over l,1001aws. T1�e purpose of the constitution is to protect human rights. The <br />government should never use tk►e �ill of Rights to deny our freedoin. �n the �ilfl of Righis, Amendment �X <br />states that "certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others". Foxtunately, my family is <br />protected by the �innesota <br />�Iuman R.ights 1�ct ��) and new maa�riage l�.ws. I�owever, many of my friends and their famiiies <br />who live in other states siill do not have the saxtae I�utnan Rights as we do. <br />Stereotypes are often linked to race. PeopYe make an assumption about an entire group of people just <br />based on theip skin color. Sometimes people who have never met me or my family judge us by our race. <br />This happens to many families and can lirriit their rights. Iviy brother and I are Asian; we were born in <br />�hina. 1V�y parents are caucasian. Some people do not like to see mixed race families as they think it is <br />wrong simply cYue to stereotypes. T'his can Yead to misunderstandings or inappropriate questions about our <br />