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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,April 14,2014 <br /> Page 12 <br /> Communications Manager Garry Bowman reviewed information and pre-loaded <br /> website examples also done by CivicPlus, and as detailed in the Request for <br /> Council Action(RCA) dated April 14, 2014. <br /> Mr. Bowman reviewed the initial procedure he had pursued, with this item on the <br /> City's docket now for well over a year, and one of the first things brought up dur- <br /> ing his employment interview: the need to retool the website. Mr. Bowman ad- <br /> vised that as he dug into the site, one thing he became aware of was Civic Plus's <br /> service to over 1,700 various cities and agencies; and that of that number, the City <br /> of Roseville was only one of eight of those entities still using this old platform. In <br /> his review of old RFP's, Mr. Bowman advised that he reviewed scoring of the <br /> various proposals, and found agreement with their proposals and presentations if <br /> applicable. Mr. Bowman noted that he reviewed proposals from a value engineer- <br /> ing approach, and therefore, interviewed two of the three offering the best pric- <br /> ing, and spoke personally with their representatives, either in person or by phone, <br /> and reviewed their processes and back-up systems, including that of the current <br /> vendor. At the end of his analysis, Mr. Bowman advised that he had challenged <br /> CivicPlus on their price to obtain the best value for the City of Roseville, and <br /> opined that the service offered by the other vendor at an additional $10,000 of- <br /> fered anything more than available with CivicPlus; in addition to staff time for <br /> migrating the current system. With the whole goal was to provide a refresh of the <br /> site; and while not solving all problems, Mr. Bowman opined that his recommen- <br /> dation would provide a fresh platform and brought him to make this recommenda- <br /> tion as detailed in the RCA dated April 17, 2014. <br /> Mr. Bowman clarified that the City was not seeking an"architect" or"planner" at <br /> this junction, but simply a "builder" for the initial design. Mr. Bowman assured <br /> that he would put together a group of staff and members of the CEC in the next <br /> step of the process as identified in the timeline of Attachment B to the report, and <br /> for talking with CivicPlus for a third party software integration. Mr. Bowman ad- <br /> vised that he found CivicPlus very receptive to working with the City on its <br /> needs, including third party software integration, noting that the City already used <br /> NeoGov for Human Resource areas; and the vendor also expressed willingness to <br /> work on an application route. Mr. Bowman noted that part of his support for Civ- <br /> icPlus was their software's dynamic design, and ability to support the estimated <br /> 30-40%hits from mobile sites, which allowed full site viewing on mobile devices, <br /> which he was very impressed with, as well as the feature allowing easy integra- <br /> tion of third parties. <br /> Mr. Bowman concluded that the bottom line for him was that he found few dy- <br /> namic differences between vendors, but he had found differences for staff in col- <br /> laborating with communities once they started putting those ideas forward. Spe- <br /> cific to websites, Mr. Bowman advised that he found little difference in the two <br /> vendors, since 80% of the website content is similar and based on information <br /> and/or documents, with differences found in staff in various departments having <br />