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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,April 14, 2014 <br /> Page 11 <br /> Council by CEC members Miller and Becker. Member Grefenberg opined that <br /> the process seemed set up to fail, and further opined that, no matter the vendor, <br /> the process should begin with a discussion by the CEC and staff, and subsequent <br /> recommendation of the CEC and staff to the City Council. Member Grefenberg <br /> clarified that communication efforts were much better than they were a year ago; <br /> and while the RFP didn't try to do everything, and only focused on the website <br /> design, it was a significant step forward, but questioned if it was based on the <br /> Civic Engagement module. Member Grefenberg opined that getting and finding <br /> information on a more dynamic website were items of interest for the CEC before <br /> the City Council took final action; and asked that they be given a chance to offer <br /> their advice and make recommendations to them and staff before taking action. <br /> With concurrence by Mayor Roe, City Manager Trudgeon suggested it may be <br /> appropriate to have the website presentation from staff at this time and allow that <br /> dialogue. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte sought any other issues from the CEC that were not tied <br /> to the website, to ensure they were not lost. <br /> Member Gardella expressed her agreement with the CEC going through the Task <br /> Force summary report and developing the body's own priorities, since each indi- <br /> vidual commissioner was coming to the group with very different perspectives <br /> and ideas that were all so much broader than just communications. Member <br /> Gardella opined that there was interest from other communities on the CEC, opin- <br /> ing that it could serve as a real role model for other cities, suggesting the need for <br /> thoughtful and well-developed recommendations after clarifying those goals by <br /> the CEC. Member Gardella opined that it would be nice not to have pressure to <br /> produce something quickly, but to allow time to build relationships among them- <br /> selves, and be clear on their vision and goals, and then have the City Council on <br /> board with that. <br /> Member Manke opined that she was in complete agreement with the majority of <br /> the comments made by fellow commissioners, and expressed her enthusiasm and <br /> excitement in moving forward. <br /> Mayor Roe directed discussions toward the website redesign at this time. <br /> 11. Public Hearings <br /> 12. Budget Items <br /> 13. Business Items (Action Items) <br /> a. Website Discussion <br />