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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,April 14,2014 <br /> Page 16 <br /> Councilmember Willmus noted that he most often used the mobile interface; and <br /> his frustration was in the inability to watch meeting replays, as it wasn't supported <br /> by C-TV. Councilmember Willmus asked if this upgrade would allow that aspect <br /> to be supported on his mobile unit with this new platform. <br /> Mr. Bowman responded that, when accessing the meeting, you were leaving the <br /> City's website; and expressed his surprise that C-TV had yet to move into another <br /> delivery system that would be compatible. Mr. Bowman noted that he needed to <br /> engage C-TV and encourage them to do so, not just for Roseville but for all mem- <br /> ber cities, and offered his willingness to look into that. <br /> Mayor Roe advised that the information may be outdated, but C-TV may also not <br /> have implemented that update yet. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte asked Mr. Bowman how he would engage the CEC <br /> over the next 3-4 months. <br /> Mr. Bowman advised that, not just the CEC, but staff from all departments, need- <br /> ed to continue to meet, advising that he had formed an internal communications <br /> group that had been meeting every week since the first of the year; and others <br /> added who were heavy web users. Mr. Bowman advised that he saw the CEC <br /> playing a large role in providing input; recognizing that this wasn't a "flip the <br /> switch" process, and would take months to incorporate. However, Mr. Bowman <br /> noted that input was needed on what was desired on the basic site,but things other <br /> cities were also doing that Roseville wanted to do; along with research on third <br /> party integration or CEC recommendations to make the site better, all part of the <br /> process. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte likened the process to interior design for building in <br /> fixtures to get the site better. <br /> Mr. Bowman likened the process beyond interior design, suggesting it was similar <br /> to taking a rambler home to a multi-story structure. <br /> Councilmember McGehee used a different analogy: fundamental architecture or <br /> building to support packages and make accessibility easier; with this first step rep- <br /> resenting a fundamental infrastructure change; allowing for future input from the <br /> CEC to make the site more accessible to the public and provide better search tools <br /> to make the parts easier to access; not just how it looks, but a fundamental up- <br /> grade. <br /> Councilmember Willmus sought individual CEC member feedback based on to- <br /> night's discussion. <br />