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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, April 14,2014 <br /> Page 15 <br /> situation may have not been clearly understood, or that the platform could be bet- <br /> ter than it was. <br /> Councilmember Willmus advised that he was not concerned with Mr. Bowman <br /> having a different recommendation than the previous staff recommendation, but <br /> expressed his preference that staff vet some of those past discussions with mem- <br /> bers of the CEC and proceed forward from there, perhaps over the next 1 -2 <br /> months, and then return to the City Council after that process has been completed. <br /> City Manager Trudgeon stated that staff could proceed in whatever direction pre- <br /> ferred by the City Council; but this attempt was to deal with short-term issues, <br /> recognizing the need for more communication and involvement with the CEC for <br /> other modules. Mr. Trudgeon suggested, if that was the preferred direction, the <br /> CEC be charged with focusing on that feedback, since that portion of the website <br /> content would take more time. Mr. Trudgeon expressed his personal preference <br /> to not delay the initial portion of the process any longer, and suggested limiting <br /> focus with the CEC for add-ons. <br /> Mayor Roe clarified staff's recommendation to improve the current website in the <br /> short-term, and if found needing, to issue a future RFP; or to start over at the be- <br /> ginning at this time. Mayor Roe sought City Council input as to their preference <br /> and direction to staff. <br /> Councilmember McGehee spoke in support of moving forward with these basic <br /> updates at this time, which would in turn allow implementing packages not cur- <br /> rently available, and future interactive packages the CEC would like to have but <br /> not available at this point.. Councilmember McGehee opined that this would also <br /> allow additional research, time and thought; while allowing the current website to <br /> receive an update and work better, allowing for future interactivity. Coun- <br /> cilmember McGehee noted staff involvement and support for this approach, mak- <br /> ing the backend more accessible for staff to manipulate. Councilmember McGe- <br /> hee noted that the policy issues raised by the CEC, and how web posting would be <br /> handled in the future by all commissions. Councilmember Member McGehee <br /> spoke in opposition to retaining the outdated website currently available. <br /> Councilmember Etten noted his initial skepticism without engaging the CEC in <br /> redesigning the website; however, he noted that he had been swayed by Mr. <br /> Bowman's presentation on key elements; and the future available for add-ons. <br /> Councilmember Etten noted the high recommendations received by CivicPlus; <br /> and spoke in support of moving on at this time. Councilmember Etten recognized <br /> the critical piece for the CEC to spend time on in making future recommenda- <br /> tions, based on the better communication found in other cities; and a system that <br /> makes it easy to begin with without even much discussion. <br />