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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, April 14, 2014 <br /> Page 18 <br /> Mr. Bowman clarified that any third party component would be over the basic <br /> website redesign; and at this point in his research, he had found none he found <br /> satisfactory in providing two-way communication modules. However, Mr. Bow- <br /> man advised that he had found third party modules that were much better and they <br /> would be his recommendation for the CEC to step in and review them to help <br /> streamline the vision; no matter which vendor was chosen at this time, if the City <br /> Council decided to take action tonight. <br /> Member Ramundt opined that staff's recommendation sounded good to her; and <br /> expressed her concern with budget constraints, and if staff and the City Council <br /> were willing to spend more money for additional features. Member Ramundt <br /> sought the commitment, recognizing this was a great start, but the CEC would be <br /> seeking third party add-ons, and whether there was any commitment if significant <br /> differences were found in the prices for those additional features. <br /> Mr. Bowman advised the third party was where those costs could be determined, <br /> with no cost from CivicPlus for third party build ins or ability to add onto the de- <br /> sign moving forward; but what could the City want to integrate and build in at the <br /> backdoor for integrating it reasonable, with all applications having a initial cost <br /> and subsequent annual fees. Mr. Bowman advised that, while he had not ad- <br /> dressed that right in tonight's discussion, CivicPlus had not initially included that <br /> dynamic design cost, but he had negotiated considerably with them and they add- <br /> ed that in their proposal. Mr. Bowman clarified that this information is not a con- <br /> tract,just a proposal, and a subsequent contract would be outlined. Mr. Bowman <br /> further clarified that the RCA should have reflected removal of that initial cost by <br /> CivicPlus based on further negotiations with them to include that portion, basical- <br /> ly a$4,000 component that he had gotten them to provide at no additional cost. <br /> Councilmember Etten referenced the City of Chanhassen site, also provided by <br /> CivicPlus, and how well it worked on his mobile unit, even though he didn't like <br /> all features of the overall website on mobile applications; but recognizing their <br /> abilities. <br /> Mayor Roe clarified that staff's current recommendation, followed by Mr. Bow- <br /> man's research, was for a $14,000 expenditure versus the initial staff recommen- <br /> dation last year at $70,000 when the City had a budget of $20,000 for this up- <br /> grade. Under that scenario, Mayor Roe sought clarification as to whether staff <br /> saw an additional $50,000 on top of this initial $14,000 expenditure to complete <br /> those add-ons being discussed tonight. <br /> Mr. Bowman advised that a huge portion of the previous RFP was the testing as- <br /> pect; and while nice if resources were available, since the City didn't have such <br /> resources, he set aside that component completely in the current recommendation. <br /> Mr. Bowman noted that CivicPlus can provide economies of scale, and their price <br /> point reflects that. Mr. Bowman opined that he didn't think future add-ons were <br />