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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,April 14, 2014 <br /> Page 19 <br /> going to be a huge investment; and only cautioned that if the City went through <br /> this process and found itself unhappy with the integration and update, then anoth- <br /> er RFP process in a year would be required, with those bids remaining an un- <br /> known, but probably well over the $20,000 budget. However, Mr. Bowman <br /> opined that he didn't see that happening with the CEC and him actively engaged <br /> in the process to reach the goal; with everyone invested to get the best product <br /> possible. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte concurred with staff's recommendation, opining that <br /> there would be a significant cost to move to another vendor and have to move all <br /> that information from the current vendor to another framework, representing sig- <br /> nificant costs financially and for staff to do so. <br /> Willmus moved to table this item for thirty days; with the Mayor ruling the mo- <br /> tion failed for lack of a second. <br /> Member Grefenberg sought to clarify Mr. Bowman's comments indicating this <br /> isn't necessarily a contract, noting that the RFP didn't mention that this could be <br /> short-term. Member Grefenberg therefore sought middle ground for the CEC to <br /> work with staff on a contract to make sure a few of their concerns were addressed <br /> if needed, seeking to find a way to have total confidence in moving forward at this <br /> time. Member Grefenberg reiterated his concern that the CEC not be allowed to <br /> have further input before this issue was finalized if the City Council refused to de- <br /> lay action for one month. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte had no response for Member Grefenberg; and while <br /> struggling with tonight's requested action, opined that it would get things moving, <br /> and seemed to be a cost-effective way to get done with what was needed at some <br /> point. However, Councilmember Laliberte advised that she was struggling with <br /> not allowing time for the CEC to have the ability to provide input, and while not <br /> looking to cut off that opportunity, she didn't perceive another process going <br /> down a road that would accomplish something gravely different than the current <br /> proposal. Councilmember Laliberte noted her desire to let the CEC jump into the <br /> process, while still getting the website update going; and if the CEC could partici- <br /> pate and provide input in developing the contract, that would provide some relief <br /> for her concerns. <br /> Councilmember McGehee opined that she heard a majority of the CEC members <br /> say they were comfortable with the proposed action; recognizing the concerns ex- <br /> pressed by Member Gardella in their ability to study packages available, which <br /> was not a simple one-month project. As pointed out by Councilmember Laliberte, <br /> Councilmember McGehee recognized the huge undertaking in time and money <br /> top pick a different platform and migrate the entire content of the current website <br /> onto that platform. Councilmember McGehee opined that she had much less res- <br /> ervation going forward with staff's recommendation and allowing the CEC to get <br />